Rene drove me to work this morn

and there was a Tall Skinny Girl siting and i said, “there she is there she is!” and Rene said, “wow, shes cute. i never thought she was a real person. in fact, i never really understood what you were talking about.” i said, yep. today was bagel day, and even though i dont plan on being drug tested any time soon, i chose the Poppy bagel. which reminds me of another joke the old man who sold me a lottery ticket told me yesterday, “how come you only see seagulls at the beach? cuz otherwise they’d be called bay-gulls.” ahahhahaha. yeah.

video music awards

i know, im dumb. and i know i didnt do all that great on the photo shoot last night, but suddenly at 11pm i became amazingly popular and i had to throw something together. i liked a few of the pictures though. and as long as you have something new for the kids each day, i think that’s fine. even if it’s crap. at least it’s new crap. i met a new online buddy last night. lilly. look for her in my links page. she says shes got no love for the haters. i said, amen, sister.