lisa asks

often can’t figure you out

do you know those folks?

love your writing and pictures

and photo essays

and all manner of things you post.

how do you find the time?


lisa, there’s not a lot to figure out.

outside of the crimefighting and the flying cars and the hot babes and the rockstars, i live a pretty normal life.

i know some of the folks, the cool ones.

i will give you a tip about the photo essays. it takes a lot less time to post 30 pictures and write a sentence under each of them, than to write a nice long killer piece that requires some research and structure.

most of the web site is done in the wee hours before i lay my head to sleep, most of the blog is done during my federally mandated 15 minute work breaks – which should explain a lot, especially the spelling.

anyhow, thanks for your questions and nice words. kids, if you have any pressing questions or words of praise, do like lisa did and bust out. you’ll be glad you did.