i know its a thousand degrees outside.

Sam_Sianis_1984i dont care. i want out of here.

i want to be on the road. i want to be on a harley chopper with a red white and blue suede vest on and my huge lenny kravitz fake afro blowing in the wind as you and i blaze a trail between hollywood and somewhere.

im sick of tv im sick of radio im sick of everything. my soda tastes flat, my flat girlfriend feels flat, my bicycle tires are flat, even my stratavarious is flat.

tomorrow i have to cover the X-Games for a skateboard magazine who wants me to take pictures.

sunday the Boss plays dodger stadium and i dont have tickets which is fine cuz theyre $85 and i dont want to pay that to sit up in the air, so i will take the bus down sunset and buy a great ticket for probably $40 and be so close that i’ll get sprayed on my clarence.

theres very little else that i would want to do other than be at the beach with my true love cuz its hot in hollywood and its been hot. every day in the 90s or hotter, not that im complaining because chopper one is climate controlled. unfortunately my hollywood hills mansion isnt. i dont even have a ceiling fan.

my lunch sandwich didnt do me right. my lunch cheetos didnt do me right. the only thing doing me right is my ebay auction which has nearly gotten 100 hits.

the other night miss montreal was over, she brought me california pizza kitchen pizza and she saw a picture of me when i shaved off all of my hair and she loved it. looooooved it which is nice cuz one day that will be probably a neccessity.

im bored im bored im bored, america. theres no crooks who want to steal in this heat. theres no bad guys even plotting. we listened to the illegal taps that weve placed and everyone is saying that theyre going to santa barbara or frisco or oregon or anywhere other than hell-a.

i see the light at the end of the tunnel and its dim.

like me.

im so not free.

blue cad + la encantada + sexy girl + scurrility

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