1:15pm michigan senator debbie stabenow

is clearly reading, and sadly she wrote her own speech.

i always knew michigan was in sad shape, sen. stab(m)enow is as sad as those dilapidated homes i saw in 8 mile.

my question is, why then does kid rock and eminem refuse to move out here to cali?

1:18 the mayor of atlanta shirley franklin is exactly what jada pinkett smith is going to look like when she turns 60: thin, stylish, and powerful.

the flower in her lapel is gigantic. i dont think jada will repeat this mistake.

mayor franklin just “paraphrased” mlk. time to drink.

1:23 pm jersey rep bob menendez just said, “my family fled cuba, for this, the greatest democracy in the world.


1:30 california rep robert matsui is blabbering about some shit. he’s old. 63? 64? japanese looking. but he talks out of the side of his mouth and has a weird old timey accent.

not a japanese accent. but one like jimmy stewart in its a wonderful life.

it’s freaking me out man.

hes not reading from the teleprompter. hes reading from a pad.

1:31pm big apple rep gregory meeks has the mic. half hour in, and a real brotha it laying it out there. nice tie. nice hankie in the suit pocket.

meeks reads off the center teleprompter only. he squeezes his fists for emphasis.

i could pass that dude a thousand times and never know he would be a congressman.

i think thats good.

he cant say massachusettes, but he says cal i fore nuh with soul.

the secret exploits of a girl in her mid 20s

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