ICU, los angeles

if you were ever unsure whether or not the LA Times is changing, and changing for the better in regards to embracing the web, look no further than a new feature we launched today called ICU.

on the 2nd floor of our building theyve been remodeling an area to house a half dozen video editing bays and even more offices for video journalists. one of them, katy newton, created a feature where she would contact a few people who submitted a Missed Connection ad in Craigslist. she video interviews them so we can see some of the people behind the ads.

one cool thing about just the first few vids katy made – you Want to see the people behind the ads! as the project continues we will see if the videos help the connections get matched up.

at the same time, katys husband, sean, has created a killer interactive map of LA that shows you where the single men and women are.

watch as this series expands and gets even better. for it will!

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