do you know i love you?

i do

yesterday morning i was in the worst mood. no one knows why.

could it have been because i had Big Papi on so many of my fantasy leagues and he hasnt hit a dinger yet? maybe. could it be because one cheerleader after another has one complaint after another about my bachelor pad and usually leaves my humble abode unsatisfied and pissy, threatening to tell all their girlfriends, thus subtracting from my good name? nah.

could it have been the fact that blogger wasnt working well for me for the second week in a row? maybe. actually probably.

even though i have nothing amazing to say, ever, sometimes its just nice to be able to say it. and when that window is slammed shut and i dont knwo how to jimmy it open its frustrating beyond belief.

but because the merciful Lord loves me, he has surrounded me with people like former Blogger/Google product manager Eric Case who emailed me the secret formula on how to move my blog out of the antiquated Blogger FTP world and into something stronger better faster.

sadly that knowledge was like pearls to swine and fell on deaf ears. until yesterday when i forwarded the info to another person the Lord blessed me with, one Duane Storey who looked at the instructions and in minutes was able to create which is where you are reading these whines, presently.

and the damn thing works like a charm.

during that painful period the one thing that brought a smile to my face were funny chats by Ali, Sass, and Karisa. which id love to share with you but they were of a personal nature and far too saucy for the dinner hour.

which fast approaches, so i must bid adeiu to you all. but before i do lets just say that i learned that the most priceless and valuable gift in our lives are our friends, who keep us sane and happy and grounded. much love to all of you.

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