dear blog

we’ve had a pretty good decade together havent we? you betcha.

k, then can you talk to Mr. Clock and tell him to give me a frickin break. every night im trying to make something happen and its 225am or something insane.

tomorrow im supposed to meet Casie at noon and id really just like to sleep all day.

but thats no way to spend the last days of vacation.

i also have the worst stomach situation.

sushi for lunch with soft shelled crab followed by poutine and shawerma from a truck is no way to treat the thing that youve abused the most in yr life.

plus that super big gulp of Capt Morgan courtney poured me followed by the molson canadians pauly kept broing me.

how am i even awake right now?

ah thats right, the 630p nap.

i think companies should factor that into bonuses now that we’re in this neverending recession.

most companies (that arent AIG or all of those banks we bailed out) have a hard time giving their employees raises. so in lieu of that they should offer either a few extra personal days off, or what i would be stoked for: permission to nap in their cars for a good 20-30 minutes after lunch.

does wonders for me. probably because im so ridiculously olde.

One thought on “dear blog

  1. Tony, thought I’d share that 30 minutes ago I woke from a dreamin which you were buying a four-unit apartment complex. I think that speaks to the prosperity in your 2010 future (and beyond). Happy everything, man. Ben S.

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