etienne, reporting from Chile,

with a chilly updatey

Hey Tony,

Yeah, I’m alive. Things are still bad, though. I’m not sure what you
see on the international news, but from what I’ve seen on the BBC,
you’re only getting a sliver. I know you’re no stranger to
earthquakes, so you know how fracking terrifying this situation is. I
could have never imagined. The sound! The disgusting sound of it all!
Anyway, I only have a bit of time at the internet place, because
there’s a long line-up. There are still lots of places in Santiago
without power, and there hasn’t been any bottled water since the
quake. We have it way better than 300km away from here.

I hope this email isn’t too scattered. It’s a scattered time.

Love ya,

p.s. Thanks for your email. It made me feel happy.

photo of etienne from happier times

today is lindsays birthday

she sits next to me

the first thing you should know about lindsay is she has to hear me talk all day

poor girl. so when they tell you pisceses suffer, now you have a perfect visualization

the other is that she loves animals. so much that she wont eat them or wear them.

so yesterday when it dawned on me that today was her birthday i was all omg we need cupcakes – Vegan Cupcakes!

fortunately downtown LA has everything, in this case, Babycakes LA on 6th and theyre delicious! and conveniently located across from a sweet art gallery.

shes the inventor of Your Morning Adorable, shes the secret reason behind all of our success, and if you see her at Disneyland today buy Lindsay a Red Bull on this, her 24th birthday