last night sarah ali and i went to the best sushi haus in LA

and we gorged omokase style and drank sake and beer and ate this crazy fish head

and sucked down oysters with caviar sprinkled on top

and noshed on soft shelled crab

and discussed pretty much nothing but sex and video games.

most of the latter came from our waiter Peter (pictured, with ali) who for some reason has been smitten with ali and her video game expertise since he first met her.

sarah got a wee bit tipsy and when i drover home she had a full head of steam that probably resulted in some interesting action last night in the hollywood hills

but for now lets see a picture of ali consoling sarah after someone very special didnt immediately reply to a text message

whoops i guess you’ll just get a picture of the crazy fish that ended up being deep fried and eaten like potato chips.

i have great friends who i love very much. im incredibly lucky.

we also had a toast to karisa who discovered the place and who is always in our hearts whenever we visit kanpai.

today its gonna be super hot.

last night was just a warm up.