this month is pretty great for your humble blog editor

we have one blog that we launched on WordPress, our photo blog, where this behind the scenes video has a home

and tomorrow we are launching another blog on WordPress that is also beautiful and can do some stuff that even our photo blog cant do.

for years we have used Typepad which is fine but lacks some features and benefits that WordPress excels in.

so before every goes gaga about the new blog launching tomorrow seriously embrace the lovliness that is our photo blog, Framework, and bask in its glory.

heres a gallery to get you going.

im a man. im in the market for a car for a man

i like to spit. i like to wear bathing suit shorts with pockets. i like to listen to heavy metal created as close to Hell as possible. i like to bring pretty girls flowers.

i like to eat meat, drink dark beer, and watch ESPN.

i enjoy the Miss Universe pageant. and farting.

i drive a car thats japanese and has dents. it was made in 1994.

its a good car. a reliable car. but when i crank my metal it doesnt sound evil.

and the cup holders cannot handle the girth of the beverages i receive from the drive thru

when i honk my horn it sounds like a duck on its last days.

i want a horn that will make people pee their pants.

i want a car that says get the eff out of my way THIS IS THE FAST LANE.

i want a car with a back seat so i can say come on baby lets live the american dream.

i dont care if a car is a hybrid. i dont want an SUV.

i dont want a car with a video camera pointed backwards because unlike oh so many i know how to parallel park – i am a man.

strangely there are very few cars that make me say: yes, you deserve me.

but this car, despite being a dodge, caught my attention.

prepare to be test driven, retro american beast.