its black friday

some say im supposed to rush out and shop til i drop. some say i should buy nothing

ive been watching movies ive never seen before.

home alone

slumdog millionaire

serbian film

i dont know why im finding this holiday season annoying but i am

i would rather be somewhere thats warm and has zero christmas decorations

a place like where my truest is going, uganda, where they celebrate the spirit not the stuff

shes going there to be with the orphans and sick and the sweet nuns who take care of errrybody

i guess i never realize how much time i spend with her until shes gone and im streaming netflix eating bagel after bagel after bagel

there was this business that was next door to my house. i never realized how loud they were until they went out of business.

now its so quiet here.

i wonder if im the loudest thing on this block.

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