today is ali millers birthday

shes 24.

born to new york jews who made their way to the promise land (the valley), ali has been enamored with video games, death metal, and japanese fetish vids since she hit puberty.

when i first met her at an LAist bbq i told her she was probably at the wrong shindig because no way could she be the ali miller who i had corresponded with via email.

one thing led to another and soon she was at the LA Times’ Metromix offices writing cover stories and then being on the cover.

suffice it to say, she was making me and LAist look good.

before we knew it Ali was gone and working on the wessssside for a video game company or the Japanese tourism bureau or someone, who knows who, all we know is she was no longer brightening the halls of the Times and sharing inappropriate discussions with Sarah and I at lunch.

we missed her so.

a few months ago she talked about a new video game company that she swooned over and deemed The Future of Gaming.

Monday she started working there.

happy birthday Ali – party up!

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