keira interviews raymi the minx

tony pierce and raymi the minx

is there any debate that the queen of canadian blogging is, has been

and probably will forever be Raymi the Minx?

as you know i am a gigantic fan of canadian blogs, canadian blogging

so i say that with all much due respect to all the others up there

shining a light on the great white north.

but raymi has seriously put it out there.

and whats fascinating, she hasnt even put it all out there.

love her or hate her raymi has led by example for the last 16 years

which has arguably been the best 16 years of blogging.

today east coast west coast united in love as

bc’s keira-anne interviews to’s raymi for 20 questions

big in japan

french wikipedia tony pierce

long before their super sweet 80s hit “Forever Young” appeared (beautifully) in “Napoleon Dynamite“,

the german group Alphaville in 1984 released their debut single

“Big in Japan”

a melancholy synth driven curiosity reportedly about two lovers trying to kick heroin.

I will wait here for my man tonight
It’s easy when you’re big in Japan

waiting for the man, a nod for what lou reed was doing on the velvet underground’s debut track two decades previously

Hey, white boy, what you doin’ uptown?
Hey, white boy, you chasin’ our women around?
Oh pardon me sir, it’s the furthest from my mind
I’m just lookin’ for a dear, dear friend of mine
I’m waiting for my man

but really it was about being a loser in your hometown, but it’s ok

because somewhere

in a beautifully magical place

across the sea

there are people who understand you perfectly and love you

and there you are godhead.

the people of france think i was the editor of the daily nexus.

if only.

but whatevs, merci.