as you know im a bizarre man


for years i have enjoyed Fantasy sports, but when i was at the Times, I was introduced to a fantasy game called Losers Football.

it’s really simple: you pick an NFL team that you think is gonna lose, if they lose that week you make it to the next week but you can’t use that team again.

the guy who runs it did a very smart thing, he made two leagues that happen simultaneously. the second league starts in Week 5, that way if you lose the first league early (which happens) then you can focus on the second league and continue to enjoy the season.

even though we started with 169 players, look who has made it to the Final 12.

this week i have the New York Jets losing to the New England Deflators.

it’s weird rooting for teams you hate or rooting against your favorite teams, but whatever, if i win I think I get $800.

Tom Brady better not break his leg early in this game.

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