todd had an art opening on Saturday night

it was a celebration of his entire career which has spanned designing the skateboard decks for several companies, a wide world of art, and his cartoons for legendary magazines like Penthouse

in fact Penthouse was there to interview the man of the hour

the place was packed with family, friends, fans, and even kids who got their decks signed.

what’s amazing about Todd is he is one of the few artists you know who have been able to avoid “real jobs” for most of his adult life. for the exception of the short time that he was roommates with me in Frisco, Todd has always made his living from doing art.

and whats best of all is Todd’s art doesn’t hold back. it’s in your face, it’s dark, it’s powerful, and it’s funny. all the things that will stop you from being able to go commercial, but the thing about Todd is he couldn’t care less about commercial.

he has been put on this earth to let it all out.

he’s here to keep it real.

and if not entirely real, real gross.

the show was held at Shepard Fairey’s gallery on Sunset, Subliminal Projects.

before the show i asked Amber what she wanted to get from the night and she said “inspiration”.

she asked me what i wanted and i said, i hope Shepard is there.

not only was he but he was super nice to everyone and provided the soundtrack to our lives.

i nearly brought this Obama sticker that I wanted him to sign, but i couldnt find it, and anyways the night was about Todd.

while i was thanking Shepard for hosting the night, he said, “oh man ive been a fan of his for years.”

earlier Todd said that Shepard was into the skating scene from way back, which i totally forgot.

Shepard said he first met Todd in the 90s with Tony Gonzalez or Mark Gonzalez, someone, and that guy showed him the Anti Hero Eagle series and Shepard was all

oh yeah.

right there.

a trio of those decks welcomed people into the gallery, which couldn’t be more appropo.

afterwards amber and i watched exit through the gift shop

to complete the theme.

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