don’t let me be misunderstood

today I filmed something for a documentary that will be aired on the Epix channel


I did it because someone I respect asked me to. At first I was all eh. Like any good story I tell will sound like bragging. And if I hold it in it wastes everyone’s time.

Also: as a reporter, I’m begging people to unleash the kraken, wouldn’t i be a hypocrite if I don’t answer all questions honestly and frankly, on the record, anytime someone asks?

And isn’t being ashamed to even Talk about sec something the Devil would love?

Why the shame? Sex is one of the purest bonuses of being human. Most animals don’t even like honing, why should we feel embarrassed Talking about it?

but then the questions came and — wow!

how many times do you think about it? What’s your wildest experience? How about anal.


I did my best to keep things both entertaining, earnest, but midwestern but it was


I just hope they are kind to me in post.