some days are harder than others

dear the future,

I’ve got a boy cat who DGAF and a girl cat who very much GAF

today I asked my GF when the last time she truly relaxed

she said never?

is it a boy thing that thinks there’s magic in zenning out? how could it be if women are the ones who have spa days and brunch and tea

I teller the devil doesn’t wear a suit and knock at your door he slips into your ear hole at a young age and never leaves.

whispering the worst things

singing the saddest songs.

you’ve gotta sing with him

but don’t slide down.

yes my buckets got a hole in it

but inside be laughing.

devil hates a laughing man.

and since he lives inside

inside be laughing.

She is such a sweet person and sure she hasn’t caught the best luck

but some are just born jumpy so you just gotta give em space.

my girl cat is twins with the boy. They’ve never spent more than 10 feet away from each other their whole lives, almost all of it in my luxury mansion.

a safe home with food and drink and secret drink next to the fridge in an upside down Dodgers helmet that once held nachos.

yet she’s constantly on edge

and he’s chill as a dollar bill.

all the forehead kisses in thai town can’t quiet the demons in the minds of the ladies of my happy home.

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