took a long walk on a long pier today

heres the thing about life in general

you can complain in your blog if you want but the more you look around

the more you read about people and watch on video

and holograms and ESP and fourth dimension vibrations

the more you realize you just might have it a little better than a lot of them

so stop whining.

took a long walk through some of the nice houses in los feliz

it was 88 degrees, soon to be 90

so everyone was out which was sad because i had to keep crossing from this sidewalk to that one

to avoid ppl

but there were some blocks where there wasnt a soul

and i pulled down my mask and breathed it all in

and it was flowers blossoming from chopped off tree limbs

it was cookies being baked through an open window

it was weed being toked at a construction site.

is it terribly dangerous to go outside right now here in LA?


but is it rewarding if you survive?

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