do you know how weird it is

imma hollywood the hell outta hollywood in a way that doesnt usually get done

and i wonder why

how is it that im christopher columbo?

sometimes you have to do the thing.

i remember once in high school we were in basketball practice

and my athletic career was ending sooner than i would expect

but on that particular day it was us against the Better squad

and the coach had taught them this great defense

and i was on the other team and i dribbled the ball up the court and i just drove straight through the lane to the rim and easily laid it up.

sometimes the best route is right to the hole.

let everyone else pay attention to this edge or that niche or that sliver.

sometimes its good to just say ung

imma give you a month of hollywood that

all these places that talk about hollywood never touch.

and never will.

so weird to me.