It’s 513am

Yesterday was great. Good interview with an Emmy winner who you may know.

Cubs won. I cooked well. Then for some reason started cleaning my room.

There’s this part near my tv where there was a giant ball of cords and wires and dust.

I totally organized all of it and dusted and washed and wiped and it’s gorgeous.

Then at around 3am i started studying for the person i have to interview today in 8 hours.

Turns out he’s a major record executive who… sold tickets to Woodstock when he was in college.

And chaperoned Prince around during his first big tour.

When he was 14 he met The Rolling Stones thanks to Mike Douglas.

But in the weirdest turn of events, in the ’90s he worked with Philips on a new device called the Compact Disc Interactive.

Which also happened to be my first real job after college.

I was the rep for Philips CDi in California and Nevada.

Anywhere CDi was, I went to see the display, train the staff, and make sure they had brochures and demo discs.

It was an incredible job, which he was a big part of.

As soon as i fall asleep and wake up, Imma find out how big of a part.