her name may or may not have been miss paris hilton.
unlike fred durst, i dont finger and tell.
so lets call this girl harrietta.
etta and i went over to samys cameras cuz she wanted a little camera to photographer her daily little things.
she originally bought a little canon elph off ebay and emailed me to tell me that she bought it, and i when i asked her which one she got i told her that it was a two year old cam.
she cancelled the order and picked me up at work and we went to samys.
i like frequenting the local businesses, and samys cameras really came through. everyone was knowledgable and fun and we ended up getting a good deal and the perfect camera for her.
whats nice about this cam is that its little, its powerful, its got a 4.0 megapixel deal on it, and we got it and a 128 mb memory card for $400 out the door.
and because it was paris hilton, i mean henrietta johnson, they gave her a year of free prints. 24 exposures a month.
then we went to kmart.
i needed a new space heater.
then we got into the car and her lil phone rang, and it was a friend of hers. paris told her friend that she would be done with me at around 10pm.
thats when i started pouting.
deep down im a big baby.
paris drove us to the popeyes to enjoy the crawfish basket combo dealie, but still i was giving her the silent treatment.
why? cuz samys cameras took us maybe 20 minutes tops. kmart took us maybe 20 minutes. everyone loved us. everyone said hi. everyone was nice. we held hands in the aisles. she felt me up next to the boxes of fiddle faddle. so to get into her miata and have her tell her friend that she was almost done with me crushed my fragile ego.
you cant be done with me, it said.
so we took the popeyes to my house
howard stern cheered me up.
we made out, made up, and passed out till the morning.