let’s get it on

theres a timebomb

in the front room

bored Death is filing his nails

a dog’s snarling softly

beneath the toadstool

and im just playing pool

“as soon as youre through

you’re coming with me

but if you like

i’ll take you now”

and i felt like drinking

ice water

and setting my head on fire.

Death stood up

and removed his hat

and walked his way towards me,

the light froze solid

beneath his black locks

and he looked like

he shouldnt be.

he looked 8 feet tall

and gorgeous,

his tits began to grow

his cape shrunk up

and his voice got high,

and he wasnt a guy no more.

so we popped in “18” Alice Cooper

and threw off all our clothes,

lit the candles, poured the whiskey

and we racked up all the balls.

“I never knew you

played both ways,”

Death he said to me

i said you never know now do ya

do ya

and as the sun began to rise

Death lowered himself

to the ground

and asked if i wanted a blow.

i broke, sank two

and politely

told that fucker


from the upcoming secret chapter of Blook II called Juvenalia, the early poems which is available until monday at a ridiculously low price.

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