what if I change everything

what if there wasn’t a picture. What if no spaces

No periods

No future

yesterday there was a shooting over by ambers work. either of us coulda been there.

Beverly Hills.

imagine that’s where you die.

get to the pearly gates and they says can’t you read? And they point at a sign that says The Meek FTW

and you have to explain no no I was just traveling through there. I live in a hovel.

I like pictures tho. Took a few today.

Took one of the camera store.

Let’s dance

I wrote a piece that got published yesterday but then Trump decided to play war games

and i didn’t want twitter to be all

omg WAR
hey is the Eastside DTLA or Los Feliz?
shit WAR

I spent much of today looking for ways to charge my good camera

I cant find the charger. I know i have it. I may even have two.

And this is the perfect time to look because the house is clean

But i dont wanna mess up the house digging through closets and under the bed

But i think i may have to


I actually have far more serious ones but nothing in here is true so let’s just believe that alls good in the hood.

Speaking of, let me also play the Powerball before it’s too late.

I wanna buy my momma a Malibu beach house.

do you know when it gets hardest

it gets hardest right before you break through

if it was easier at this part, there would have already been a path

some other chump would have kicked down the door.

but it’s there and it’s heavy and it’s solid

and it’s up to you to figure out how to get through it

or around it

or under it

or over it.

and in learning that trick, you can make it in the next levels and the next ones.

right now it’s hard. no doubt. maybe super hard.

but theres nothing that we cannot get through.

video games teach us that. every one of them do.

people say dont let kids play so many video games.

i say let them play them all.

but then quiz them about what they learnt.

and i dont mean “i learned you gotta go left right left up up down.”

i mean “i learned never give up. watch youtube, watch my friends, keep experimenting, dont be discouraged, take a deep breath. back up and Then run.”

all of these games are here for our use.

trust in the force.

if you ask me imma tell you

which is interesting bc I once worked for a person who said they appreciated that I wasn’t a billshitter and asked me how something they said went over

I said it didn’t go over perfectly but it wasn’t bad.

I realize bullshitting is one of the things that separates us from apes but I don’t consider it noble.

For example I’m glad my fuel gage doesn’t try to prevent my Feelings from being hurt. It just delivers the news and occasionally makes the news urgent.

I try to do the same.