welcome to Oscar Week

chef wolfgang puck food

well here it is, the home stretch.

every day this week i’m gonna be working. of course murphys law everyone wants to do things with me this week and i pretty much have to say no to everyone because me and about 500 of my closest co-workers are doing our best to put on the finest show on earth.

last week chef wolfgang puck had his annual preview of the food and drinks that will be served at the show and governors ball. the week before that was the nominations luncheon. and on sunday will be the granddaddy of them all.

last night i saw a few movies including Ex Machina which i liked more than i expected. but mostly i just rested and paced myself because who knows what will happen this week at work, so it’s best if one is healthy and prepared.

i bought a bag of oranges for that vitamin c.


everythings ok

leo weeknd

i didnt bet the house on the Panthers

i didnt buy a house and then bet it on the Panthers either.

i was thinking about it, but the Lord loves me and told me to have brunch with two lesbians  instead of watching the first quarter

when i got home i just tweeted it and enjoyed it  and realized oh yeah thats why i never bet on sports: im terrible at it.

funny thing happend though. after i was done tweeting, sorta like at the end of the Blues Brothers,

my computer just fell apart in a dozen pieces and died right there on my bed.

so blogging will be limited.

my fantasy hoops teams will be half staffed.

and i’ll probably get some sleep tonight.

today was our Oscars Noms Luncheon. it was cool. lots of your favorite filmmakers were there.

it was warm outside by the pool. like 80+ degrees.

theres a lot of great pictures from todays event over on our Facebook and Instagram.

I Snapchatted a bunch of it.

but now im super tired, my feet hurt, and i just want some Thai food and fall asleep.


do you know i love you? i do.


i also love movies. and music. and sitting all weekend in my bed doing jack.

but starting next week imma catch up on all the Oscar nominated films that i havent seen yet.

heres my gameplan

tuesday – Room

wednesday – The Martian

thursday – The Revenant

friday – Trumbo

saturday – The Big Short (in the day)
saturday – nominated Animated Shorts (at night)

wish me luck

i made it

goldwyn theater

this morning was noms. i got to sleep around 10:30pm last night. woke up at 3:13am!!!! took a quick shower and hit the road.

very proud of myself because i do NOT get to sleep early on command.

but one thing led to another and boom i was asleep.

once i was on the streets of Hollywood, it was a dream.

not a car in sight!

so i cranked the Metallica and shot this little snapchat for yr ass

there was so little traffic that i just took Sunset all the way down to Doheny which is usually a suckers move cuz you’ll get stuck at La Brea and then Crescent Heights  and then for surely along the Strip.

but when no ones there you can pass the Rainbow, see that all of the sweet flowers are still out for Lemmy

realize that one can still turn around, and take a picture and be on time for work

lemmy tribute

so there you go Motörheads.

got to the garage there was a security guard in front of it, which is odd.

i rolled down my window and said, xbi

and he stepped aside.

parked in the best spot in the whole place

that i took a picture because that never happens

best parking space

got to the office and totally forgot that we give all the press delicious breakfast

(in my mind the breakfast is for me)

and took a picture of them because every other day that i arrive that room is empty

the press

got my breakfast, did my job, high fived ppl after we didnt screw anything up

and as i was driving home a huge wave of fatigue hit me

even though i had slept well the night before i was pooped.

so i got home and took a nice nap with the kittens

and was very happy that JJL, the screenwriters of Straight Outta Compton, and Mad Max got nominated.

one thing ive learned from being around and studying the history of the Oscars: theres always surprises.

tonight is the hardest night of the year

mercedes cup holders

i like where i work. im surrounded by very nice, smart people. we get to get dolled up a few times a year and celebrate excellence, creativity, and fun.

but once a year we have these nominations at 5 o’clock in the morning.

which means i should go to sleep right about now.

but im a grown ass man, unless im reading a book or on a plane, aint no way im falling asleep at 8:31pm

i lucked out, i dont have to be in there till 4am.

not everyone has it like this. in fact the guy i sit next to gets in there in a few hours.

the good news is it’s electric to be in the building when all those names are being called out.

and also, the breakfast thats provided, is delicious.