am i cursed with pride


when you know you’re right, what do you do

of course you stand up for yourself

of course you don’t just roll over

for those who lack courage





of course you fight fight fight.

imagine if david byrne said i have a dream

and jonathan demme said, but that sounds like a nightmare

would byrne have said oh, lets appease all of your darkest fears

instead of reach for the highest star

if he had his name wouldnt have been david byrne

it would have been phil collins.

be david byrne.

and if you can’t,

be jonathan demme and make dreams come true.

tell us more about the 80s tony

it’s weird being the old guy in the office

it’s weird being in an office

it’s weird being at the oscars

it’s weird still blogging

it’s weird how wifi works

it’s weird that this can instantly be published around the world

it’s weird to think that some people, who could feed the whole country, don’t.

it’s weird to think

it’s weird how much my new tire costs

it’s weird what kind of car i drive

maybe we shouldn’t even day dream when we’re young

because if you’re doing it right,

nothing ever turns out the way you thought it would.

i made it

i woke up at 3am

got in the shower around 3:20am

got to work at 4am

was eating delicious bacon at 4:13am

we started our noms around 5:15am

all was well

now im exhausted

we saw the sun rise

everyone was happy

everyone said how great everyone was

someone said how many people saw it

i said

1.5 million

everyone laughed

now im eating left over eggs and potatoes

god is good

life is nice

now im trying to get my butt back home

so sleepy.


yesterday was elisas last day at work and patrick j dropped by

so a bunch of us went to Natalee Thai on robertson and olympic

usually the primo thai joint in 90210

a close second going to tuk tuk thai

the place was packed

they sat us in the back.

when the food came out it was hot

spicy hot like omg

then it got really hot

i drank coke. then ate rice.

people were crying.

i was crying.

my sinuses cleared and a truck went through them.

my ears cleared and i could hear again.

hair grew on my chest. and my ears, but the fire singed it all, which was nice.

i asked for a to go bag but

i threw it out at work and the trash can caught fire.

and then the fire caught fire.

but its sinuses cleared.

mary came to my work today

maryand she dolled herself up real good to meet Oscar

as you know she has a little fluffy doggie named Oscar so she wanted to meet his cousin

i think she thought we were really gonna break open a case and let her go home with one, but instead of that i brought she and her smokin hot friend to our theater lobby and they took pics next to one of the giant statues.

after all that nonsense we drove to lunch and mama mia how does mary’s boyfriends do it?

this girl is nonstop energy the whole time

funny jokes under her breath

crazy schemes

she knows all the movers and shakers. she has questions that she answers herself.

she ordered a win with a side of ice because she knew the wine wouldnt be good.

she asked for the salad because she thinks shes fat.

i was all, baby if youre fat then all of america is fat

ALL AMERICA IS FAT! she screamed and birds flew from the trees

my fish was divine and every time marys friend told me her name i instantly forgot it.

i kept calling her Juanita.

Juanita is an Aquarius from Afghanistan. amazing eyes, great fashion choices and smart as a tack.

i friend requested her on facebook and i dont think she will accept me.

i dont blame her.

i paid for lunch for all of us but when we got back to the car there was a ticket on it.

mary was all, why didnt you put money in my meter?

i didnt know i was supposed to.

she said you drove my car, everyone knows the driver has to pay the meter!

i do? i guess i do now.

but it looks like our trip to vegas to see britney spears at the planet hollywood isnt going to happen bc they hate me now. and thats how the cookie crumbles.

oh well, i still have my plantains in my doggie bag.

im going to miss a deadline tomorrow at work

safe in hell

it makes me sad because i always hit my deadlines.

but this is a different type of assignment. it’s long and involved. and even though we knew about it a month ago, i had three other assignments between then and now, plus i had to work far longer on those than i expected.

and worse of all, this one, like i said, is long and involved. and i know nothing about it.

and my stomach was in knots all day today and a little yesterday because of it.

sometimes a situation appears in front of you and you know how to work with it. 99% of the time i drive i know several different routes to where we need to go if disaster strikes. thats why im always cool behind the wheel.

in this scenario, i knew everything was against me. most of all, time.

with me, there is often a little spark of magic that strikes when i write things


from day one on this thing, a month ago, there was no magic, ever. it was all work.

dig dig dig, polish, place.

one sentence after another. it literally would take hours for a sentence.

mostly because it has to be true. and accurate. and well written. and with proof.

so you read read read. talk talk. google read google. then you have a sentence.

i even talked to experts but they were on a different plane.

our planes never intertwined.

last week my plane and the other dudes planes were doing loop di loos together.

any question i had there was an answer. anywhere i wanted to go, he was there too.

it was different because he had little two sentence answers, which is quotable but i wanted to get deep.

so i realized i needed several followups.

this was harder. still is. i have tonight and i have tomorrow to see what last minute miracle happens.

and hopefully i got over the tough transition today, but im still not sure.

heres my biggest fear about it: i dont want kids looking at it while doing research if its not fucking great.

as someone who dealt with less than fucking great materials when i was a kid,

i dont wanna be that guy to them.

i interviewed a great photographer yesterday for work

just be coolnext week we will publish it.

he’s lived, in many ways, a blessed life, and i told him that

he didnt deny it.

he got to hang and work with warhol, mae west, groucho

i asked him about new technology and did he adapt to it.

he said he had to, but he also leaned on his assistants to do that sort of thing.

he said he loves the dark room and thinks all young photographers should spend some time in there

i asked if he still spends time in there.

he said no.

i asked if there was ever a picture that he didn’t take?

he said i dont know what you mean.

i said at the oscars this year i was running around trying to find leo dicaprio so i could snapchat him real quick for the kids, and as i was looking i saw sly stallone at the bar

and he looked totally dejected because he didnt win in his category

it had been 40 years since he was last nominated. and there he was with a beer on the bar. not drinking it. and he was looking right at me with his sad eyes

and he was all alone. and i could have taken the picture and it would have been great

the ultimate agony of defeat pic, but i felt so badly for him that i didnt take it.

i said have you ever been in that situation?

he said, yes, i was once having dinner with audrey hepburn…

if theres one thing i love love love love love about my job and hollywood and beverly hills and LA

it’s that people can always top my stories.


adios Patrick J

patrick and the ladies

yesterday we said goodby to Patrick J, the young drupal developer who was swooped up by our competitor

Patrick had worked with us for about a year and a half. quiet, unassuming, brilliant.

we would go to lunch all the time and talk about Tesla, iphone apps, and the east coast

the weird thing is, when i originally saw his resume and corresponding personal site

i didnt think we should hire him.

that kid is too quiet and his site has pretty much nothing on it i said

so, they asked?

i said he is hiding something.

turned out he WAS hiding something.

he was hiding that he was probs the best drupal developer around.

sad to see him go but excited to see what he will do for them.

rock on Patrick J, thanks for showing me Natalie Thai