fucked up and confused, so i let them in.
y not
itd been raining so i lit a fire and retrieved blankets from the basement
and i plotted.
one of em looked like a blue eyed dita the other looked like a dirty britney
somehow they got a hold of way too much ecstacy and being pretty cute they were allowed to eat too much ecstacy
the key to a strong quickstarting impressive fire is to get a fake duraflame log or three from the 99cents store. chop a log up into thick meatloaf slice sizes. slide that under a wood log and poof, fire.
they flopped down on the couch and started spewing all this paranoid insane bullshit about how these girls were laughing at them and how these boys were talking shit about them and how terrible they looked when they looked in the mirror and i said
baby baby baby.
i didnt sit on the couch, i sat in my chair.
i already have a girlfriend.
who was out of town.
i said heres what we’re going to do we’re not going to think of anything negative for the rest of the night.
they said, but
i said no, we’re going to only focus on that fire, and maybe that tv if youre lucky.
and we looked at the fire and told happy stories that sometimes swerved into the ditch of negativity but you just pull yourself out of that ditch by saying something nice
like, you two are looking real good over there
with the halloween oranges and tangerine reds all flickering on your
shadows bouncing across the ceiling and the drapes
but im taken so we talked about crepes
which studies have shown you can do on that pill
talk about food, that is, deflect, if you will
but they wont
and last night they made out right in front of me
slightly hotter than what was on tv
and i swear theres magic in that couch.
the fat guy + zulieka + instapundit + wit nit