i’ll never actually run in a marathon

so writing a novel on LAist is pretty close to the next best worst thing.

usually i start after im done doing things for LAist, which is around 2am. then i will procrastinate for an hour. then i’ll get to it.

every demon is in my head in regards to this novel. so lets identify their whines: youve written all this before, its not a novel, its not creative, its boring, you sound bored, the people who read LAist are going to butcher it, you will lose whatever cred you have if you keep this up, you will lose whatever cred you have if you stop, youre running out of things for those characters to do, this is not how you write a novel, if its good no one will believe you write it in 30 days, if its good you’ll have to do it again, dont worry it wont be good, dont worry people will start making fun in the comments over there, dont worry you will never be able to keep it up, dont worry someone will find out that whenever the going gets tough you end up ripping off ronald sukenick cuz no one knows who he is.

i took a nap today at 8pm cuz i hadnt gotten much sleep last night. im sorta addicted to my Tiger Woods 2006 for the PSP.

did i tell you that this production company gave me a PSP so i would write about their tv shows. a few commercials of the shows were on the PSP. but what happened is ive become super addicted to the PSP now. it was brilliant. and ive gotta say, this game is pretty great.

what happens is they beat the shit out of you for the first 50 games. then you start learning and then they get even better. but then you figure out how to make money so you can get better equipment. yes of course its a poor video game player who blames his tools, but hows a brotha supposed to hit the ball 300 yards with the driver they give you at the beginning of the game?

im thinking about starting an LAist Movie Club, where once a week we’ll say, “Borat, Arclight, 7:30pm Friday”. cuz the thing is people do like movies and not everyone has cheerleaders to take to the movies on a friday night. and now that ive expunged the cheerleaders from my life. forever. suddenly i want to go to the movies on a friday night and not have to go back in time and start calling clipper girl just cuz i dont wanna see borat by myself.

the other thing ive noticed from the emails ive been getting lately is theres a lot of single women out there who would go to a group thing alone, but otherwise would rather just rent a movie and watch it at home than go to the theater alone.

those girls need to be drinking with me at the arclight bar after the movie.

i think this is the reason britney sticks with kfed. what else is she gonna do?

on thursday i happened to be in a super sweet neighborhood and i called karisa to let her know how aweomse it was but karisa was over there too for some secret reason and after we were done we met up and i said hey heres a book that you might like and she was all omg. sad thing is, she emailed me to tell me that so far its slightly disappointing.

white oleander is a tough one to follow up on.

its 3am which means that its time for me to write chapter four of this dumb thing.

thank you for helping me drown the demons.

national lose all credibility month

i have many contributers at LAist. i like all of them. however at least once a week i get an email saying “my posting this week will be slow because…”

the other day i got an email from an excellent writer saying “my posing this Month will be slow because i am going to try this National Novel Writing Month thing.”

i guess i cant complain because they contribute for free, and im certain that most of them are actually nice, normal, chemically balanced human beings who probably even go to church and hang out with their friends and actally have a life.

in sports they say that the best players dont make the best coaches because ultimately the former player will just throw the ball down and say “when i was a player i scored 25 points a game even with the damn flu even with broken ribs even with four fouls going into half time. WHY CANT YOU!” clearly not a chemically balanced human being with a life. cuz even the guy who averages only 10 points a game makes a couple million a year and bangs cheerleaders.

so when people say oh i cant write three posts this week because x, y, z, i think you know i drove around the country, i was in canada with no internet connection, half of my job has nothing to do with writing, and still i have been able to post 5-7 times a day every day, And i keep the busblog rolling. but that sort of activity isnt normal. its abnormal and it probably shouldnt be rewarded.

but because im a loon with no life, now i can say i posted 5-7 times a day, updated the busblog every day, and wrote a damn novel.

chapter one of my masterpiece was done last night after going to a book reading, cooking chicken, fingering an exchange student, and watching Lost. it wasnt easy, but it wasnt impossible. everything is possible, you just have to be clear with yourself what youre committed to. you just have to say, fuck excuses i WANT to do this. and to me writing has always been a time thin. simply time. the reason i did 15 minutes with tony last year was because i read so many blogs from bloggers i loved who were all “omg im so busy sorry i havent posted, so heres a rundown of what happened the last month…” and i was thinking, im positive this person had 20 minutes every day to blog. but maybe i like that person because theyre not retarded like i am.

so even through ive failed three years in a row, this time i did things scientifically, i wrote and looked at the clock when i was done. how much time does it take to write 1,666 words a day? a few hours. how much time does it take to write a three paragraph post on LAist? about 45 minutes. usually less.

now dont get me wrong, writing also takes the strength to fight the demons in your head that keep telling you that what youre typing blows. that is something that i faught with pretty much every stroke of the first chapter of the novel that i dont usually have to deal with here on the lovable busblog and never on LAist.

so wish me luck that i’ll be able to do this for 29 more nights.

and to up the ante, i will be posting each chapter on LAist where the commentors arent as sweet and supportive as they are here on my home turf. chapter one.

ps we are giving away 12 cds to random entrants of this contest: the Give us a Question contest

pps may i say congrats once more to Pitt and Outlaw

ppps congrats grampa zona boy

the mcrib is back

ive got chicken breasts in the fridge waiting to get george formaned but the mcrib is back.

i just had shrimp at lunch at a secret movie studio but i went to two mcdonalds on the way home.

i love mcribs so much that sometimes i buy the frozen 99 cent dinners that are basically mcribs but theyre not

and now that ive had my first mcrib of the mcrib season i can tell you right now theres nothing that can compare to a real mcrib

done correctly

with you.

last night i watched the lakers with a girl who had no idea what the rules of basketball were, who anyone was, or the meaning of the term “its ok to smoke in my house”.

i know i dont smoke, i know i dont have any ashtrays, i know my nose gets irritated when smoke shows up, but if i say you can smoke in my house you can smoke in my damn house – so smoke!

and if i say your breath smells fine dont get all paranoid and brush your teeth ten million times.

i am an old man. i enjoy the smell of all smokes. cigar tobacco pipes bongs even cloves. light up fucker.

same goes with french kisses with a girl from france whose not wearing pants.

life is not so complicated and even though they came back to win i said baby you dont need to know anyone on that team nohow.