today was the last day of the metromixers upstairs on the 5th floor

everyone had their boxes. they’re moving to the second floor to rock brandx.

sarah and i ate sushi for lunch like we used to do with ali, but alas, alis working her dreamjob.

she imed me from vegas, where her gchat status message said that she was shocked to find herself at circus circus for even a few minutes.

shes just there for today and tomorrow morning.

so jealous.

today someone asked me if twitter would ruin blogging. i told them that yes, twitter would take a few bloggers away.

but those are the ones who probably wouldnt be that great of bloggers anyways.

so good, let em tweet.

everyone except for JaG, who needs to get it together and come back to the place that loves her.

speaking of blogging, did you see Pop n Hiss cover Coachella? Jesus, man. soooo good.

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