or if i allowed myself to be truly free?
i would read more. i would watch less tv. i would listen to all the music i love and not try so hard to learn about this new junk.
i would swear more and never wear pants. i would go to church more. i would work out even less.
id work on my crossover dribble. i would cook. i would clean.
today i have to buy a printer and a shelf.
i know amber likes me but she Loves tea and has nowhere to put her tea cup when she adjourns to bed
currently shes using the window sill but a shelf would be better.
a little one.
one that hasn’t seen the evils of the world and only wants to hear sweet soul music and the murmurs of these two cats who snore when they snooze and startle easily
im pitching this book, it wont make me rich, money is the fakeout the bible says and the richer my passengers are in my uber
the quieter they seem.
the happiest: me.
so maybe i am free.