saw Free Solo

in school they taught us the secret to writing a good story

introduce a totally lovable character, then fuck their lives over and see what happens. if they pull it off, great. if they die, then thats a tragedy. either is fine.

either is fine.

so here they make us fall in love with this totally unique person. he happens to be a mountain climber.

and the thing he loves to do the most is climb without ropes.

one false move and he dies.

at the academy you will meet some people who are obsessed with watching movies. one of those people worked on the same floor as me.

and i noticed that he was going to see this movie again because he loved it

and he was seeing it in IMAX, because it’s made by National Geographic

because mountain climbing is beautiful, apparently

and even though i think this movie would be emotional and beautiful and terrifying no matter where you see it

im so glad i saw it on imax.

for 2018 movies theres two movies ive given an A+ to:

isle of dogs
and now
free solo

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