yesterday i had my second job interview. unlike the first, this was in person.
even though i generally feel comfortable talking with people, i don’t like wearing a suit (because I think it’s a lie), and i would feel very awkward being forced to bad mouth any of my previous experiences. everywhere ive worked, people are just trying to make the best decisions given the options in front of them.
so driving over there i was like an hour and a half early. i walked around an old Staples store which had the worst energy. the two dudes working behind the counter were slow and had difficulty keeping eye contact with who they were speaking to. many of the shelves were either empty or lacking.
there was no one to give any help in the copy machine or computer area. the computers, btw, are infamous for earning more than the employees.
and the parking lot was packed.
lets just say i was glad i wasnt interviewing to work there.
when i got to the place i was all dressed up for, i was asked some questions that i hadn’t expected at all. which is good. i like being pleasantly surprised.
one of the questions was, how would you describe your writing style (the job was a writing gig)
my first thought was: if charles bukowski wasnt a drunk, was black, and went to uc santa barbara.
but i didnt say that because it would have broken my mothers heart.