i grew up with mad magazine

before that Dynamite

i read the paper every day because of my babysitter. her husband got it.

lots of people i know got it.

or take it as they say.

we used to take the paper but they kept throwing it in the bushes

sometimes my paper ends up in the tree.

it’s a short tree so i kind of like it.

if they could get it in that tree every morning id be stoked.

somehow i made it through the republican convention.

it wasnt as funny as i expected, but it had its moments.

amber kissed me every time someone lied and

that made everything go down a little smoother.

tomorrows friday and my goal is to work all day

so on monday i dont have to kill myself.

after mad i got into Crazy a little

never national lampoon.

but then came Creem

and finally Spin.

the greatest.

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