one of my goals is to blog every day again

while it’s true im busy af, unlike sucker mcs i can do it all

been writing tons for setlist which i adore

also im editing hear in LA now which does take time but its rewarding and i can not micro edit the thing so every little thing i want out is now out

the blog post still take a good 12-14 hours to do because my adhd is insane

talked to my shrink and she put me on new pills bc i was like hey this folkalin aint working

whats different about this pill – i forget the name – it just makes me happy

the last one made me wanna write love letters to exes

not sure if this one has made me more focused, but thats the goal.

last night i went to the movies and saw 1.5 movies

i was late for the beyonce movie but watched the second half anyway bc it was mezmorizing

she put heaven and earth into that show. he dancing. her singing. the set. the band.

no disrespect to t swift. but bey beat her on this one.