someone my age just had a health scare

am i in health scare age?

i really need to start walking more.

maybe as soon as i wake up.

im full of energy then and i blow it by surfing the web

i should walk to house of pies, get a pie, walk home

throw the pie right in the trash

maybe give it to the poor

all i know is im tired and now sad because this person was and is very very very nice

as is his family.

life is so weird.

yesterday i did some things im not proud of

at the top of the list is i didnt drink enough water

and my gout returned and i hobbled around and felt very old

i wonder how this might affect my body and my feet, long term

i also wonder what i am eating that is causing this.

is it just not drinking a lot of water?

rarely do i accept water from people who offer it to me

but when I was interviewing Sass i accepted and drank. and in my car i went through two small bottles.

and at home i drank and drank and peed and peed and now i feel a little better

but mama mia if i have to drink a half gallon a day this is going to be an interesting next 50 years

because i could go a whole day without drinking 12 ounces

which is maybe why we are where we are.

i have had a lot of good days

five years ago today was one of the best because the Cubs won the world series

a phrase that i still dont really believe but i was in Chicago when it happened.

i went to game 4, then the parade, i saw it all.

and yet still.

if you read this blog closely you’ll see that a lot of it is positive.

i do that because i do tend to obsess over bad things when they happen

and on here i wanna make sure i am also giving focus to the good things

of which there are many.

sunday i took Michael to the Animal Hospital to get the feeding tube out of her neck

the doc said everythings cool.

today i called Spectrum to ask them why my internet keeps going in and out

they told me to call the Router company and i said fine, begungendly

and they fixed it.

had a nice long talk with mom as i got my steps in.

gave a homeless dude a buck.

ate an all vegetable dinner: mashed potatoes, broccoli. beyond sausage. and avocado.

asked a guy to put in a good word for Hear in LA

and got back to blogging.

thats a good day.

the best part was i felt crappy today around 4pm because of the covid booster shot i got yesterday

i cuddled up with Prince and passed out for a whopping 10 minutes

and i felt like a new man.

thanks Lord

i get my annual physical tomorrow.

ive got two neighbors who are both born on the same day

geminis. both in great shape. we always tease that we should put a hot tub in our courtyard.

its a funny joke because aint no way we have room for such a thing, and we’d probably electrocute ourselves.

recently one of the neighbors got into a terrible cycling accident where she broke her jaw.

shes an ironwoman.

she was telling this to me and her gemini twinsie and i said ok for your birthdays imma get you each a Peloton and we can have them out in the courtyard that way no one gets hurt and you two can keep your lovely figure

and i can lose these spare tires

and we can look at the weird strangers that pass by our complex every day

and you shoulda seen their eyes light up.

my buddy Chris has been on a bike kick for 6-7 years now and he fits into clothes he wore in college when we were so poor we could barely eat.

only way imma get a new girlfriend is if i lose a good 25 pounds

or hit the lottery.

but probably the first thing said new girlfriend will ask me is

wait, you bought your neighbors Pelotons? are you insane?

and i’ll say

oh strap in

the night is young.

i had a hard time sleeping last night

shouldnt i?

death is literally around every corner.

i was at the store last week and i heard someone sneeze and i darted in the opposite direction like it was a shotgun blast

on that trip i also got a covid test in a church parking lot and today they called

but because it was coming from some 714 area code i was all, pass.

they left a message saying they had my test results and i should call back.

i was scared to death! i had been up all night with constipation, and then the opposite and when i wake up in the middle of the night i have a hard time going back to sleep, especially with the world imploding

so i called back asap and they were all, you’re good.

and i wanted to yell: couldn’t you just have texted me that? or emailed? or left that on the message?

why make me call back? i know its a medical thing, but if there’s not a virus, it’s not medical. it’s nothing. it’s the opposite of Anything.

let me check a box off on the form where I let you text me a big thumbs up if im negative.

life doesnt need to be hard.

life is hard enough.

thank God i have Tums and the Lord above looking out for me when im dumb enough to leave my home.

no more home leaving for a while.

dear children of the future

here we are now in the fourth or fifth week of

shelter in place.

youre not really supposed to go outside.

when you do you should wear a mask.

you shouldnt touch anything and when you do you should wash your hands

amber and i go to in n out about once or twice a week

its our big splurge.

my computer is dying which is sad because im one of half of the americans who still has a job and i earn my living from writing on a computer

so i bought a new macbook, air, which should arrive any day now.

it was scary to take that much of a financial investment but i look at it like this, if i was a guitar player id buy a Gibson SG and a nice marshall amp and that would set me back some.

then the other day the government direct deposited pretty much what the computer cost, so im just gonna put that money on the card and we’ll call it even.

now listen future children. politics and one or two right wing networks have planted the seeds of doubt into our fellow country men and women and they dont wanna sit inside any more to stop the spread of this virus.

they want to go back to work and school and doing all the things they were doing before this crazy thing happened

the silent killer i like to call it.

so these last few days theyve gotten outta their houses, climbed into their pickup trucks and what have you and theyve gathered with signs and flags and raised their fists in protest. which is what america is about.

but the weird thing is, they’re protesting science, not politics.

theres not one expert scientist or doctor who recommends leaving the house and getting too close to other people.

and these folks say well what about california, the governor said half of the citizens would get sick, they havent gotten sick which means this is all a hoax

a commie hoax

when they should be saying, well lookit that, staying at home, chilling out, getting money in the mail is actually working

doing nothing does something, fucking a.

it’s almost like theyre mad that it’s working.

damn you hippie science.

damn you nancy pelosi.

and future children,

thats why there aint no more GOP


a year ago today i had the most painful kidney stone

documented beautifully here.

since then ive taken it easy on the Cokes, only one a day max. but usually just half of one.

days like yesterday, none.

it’s weird to have addictions and maybe mine is coca-cola.

id drink three a day if i could.

im jealous of people who can drink a bottle of wine or a six pack of beer and not have any side effects.

my effects are literally in my side.

is it the syrup that fucks me over? coke is mostly water. i see it come out of the fountain at mcdonalds.

maybe my kidney just isn’t perfect and the chemical imbalance with pop screws it up?

who knows.

will this be the thing i ask God about first if im lucky enough to meet him? no.

but it would be nice if in Heaven they go over our body and tell us what the issues Really were and what we should have done to prevent them.

why is my belly so fat? why were my eyes so good. why did booze never affect me negatively? why was i able to get away with so much? was it the xbi? was it genes? speaking of, exactly who was in my family tree? tell me about africa. tell me how so much lightness ended up in the skin of me and my relatives on both sides.

i would love for that recap to happen before all the parties and hoo haw of the afterlife commences.

today i have to go to the police department. we have a neighbor who has been worse in the past, who has tried, but things could be better. one of the things is the sprinklers on their grass. they’re way too high. i get my car washed at least once a week but i can never park over night by this guy because the water literally sprays all the way up the side and on to my roof. thats how powerful they are and how little regard he has about wasting water.

afterwards i need to run back and finish this part of the project. two days ago amber had a little run in with a restaurant that distracted me. yesterday she was home but spent time away from the house enjoying her day off. then we went for a nice walk and went to a $4 Pho joint. we have a simple life.

her pa wants us to join he and his sister for thanksgiving up in thousand oaks. thankfully theyre all ok. i havent been to too many turkey days with a gf’s parents but the ones ive been to were nice. he’s a good guy. former military. big wig. secret. but thats all behind him now. thankfully.

may everything be behind us in due time.

everyone won today, everyone lost

so much happened today i dont even know where to start.

did the american people win? pretty much. those who wanted backwards racists and crooks on their way to jail voted for them, and that’s their right.

those of us who wanted clear thinking leaders and visionaries reluctantly voted for diane feinstein

all i know is auntie maxine is going to show donald trump the back of her hand in so many delicious ways and i know they wanna put diane back in as speaker i think they should give it to maxine because she has been the one saying early and often that she cannot wait to impeach this son of a gun, so let her.

all while giving love to the first black female speaker of the house

i spent a few hours today meeting my new doctor. i had to switch docs once i switched my health plan. so they gave me the whole physical and even stuck a thing up my, and i was all, when did this procedure begin and they said about a year ago.

and i was like, well since we now know each other… she and the young doctor who was shadowing her marveled at how young i appeared and i pointed to the nearby burger king and i said, fast food 4x a week, mixed with loud music, and a sweet gf who’s down for whatever and you too will sustain this glow.

how much do you exercise?




how often are you in front of a computer?

12 hours a day.

do you wear glasses?


can you read minds?

since 1992.

we shook hands and agreed to shave the mole from my head because it was probably an xbi transmitter

a procedure that is scheduled for next week. so if i disappear, you know who to blame.

i was so sick last week

and then i went to the urgent care and the dude told me to bend over and pull down my pants

and i was all, so this is what it’s come to?

and he gave me a shot into one cheek

and another in the other cheek

and he gave me a bunch of pills

and he said drink lots of water and pray to the Lord

and kiss that pretty girl i see on your blog

and i swear to you within an hour i could feel the Good fighting the Evil

and i was all, Work Bitch Work!

the night before i had coughed so much i began puking. i coughed so much one of my cats shut the bathroom door because i was disturbing her.

i was coughing so much my lungs were hurting and my throat was sore and i was running out of TP

but then after visiting the urgent care there i was healthy, feeling like Robert Plant on the balcony of the Riot Hyatt in ’73

i could eat again, sing again, dance again.

we are such fragile, sensitive, weird little sacks of miracles.

tiny doses of chemicals can alter us so much, just like how the meanest sneer can bum our days.

i never want to be the reason anyone feels down

except for those jackasses on twitter who are probably russian bots

i want to be the booty shot of love.

i wanna be your miracle drug.

think good thoughts.