i now know why it was never made into a movie. it’s so sad.
this man bought a huge bunch of land over there from a widow for 400 pesos.
then a guy bought it from him for ten cents an acre.
then sold it to a guy for a $10 acre. we’re talking 20 miles long and two miles wide.
but that guy died and his wife had to try to fend off squatters and people trying to build roads
and then the government trying to build a highway through it.
what do you do when you have so much land that the government is all, excuse me please?
the first thing they did was she sold one of the sweetest swaths to celebrity interest.
they brought in their own security, local government, food stores and shops.
and then she dynamited people’s attempts at roads.
but it shows you that you can have all the money in the world (she was worth about $700 million) and yet you’re constantly worrying about people infringing on your property,
in this case, early 20th century pacific paradise.
temperate weather, rivers spilling out into the sea, and endless beach.
but theres no way you get to keep it.
maybe thats good.
maybe people shouldnt have so much of the good stuff.
maybe the sharing is the lesson we need to learn.