the sun in skeleton

it started with this, which i think i saw on your page. i wanted to see what midjourney could do.

one way to get there is instead of /imagine you type in /describe and then put the picture you want in the little box that appears.

there will be four sentences describing it, i click all four to see how they differ, sometimes in the popup box i’ll take out dumb things and add my own, sometimes i put in: wall has “hear” scratched on it. when you put something in quotes it will try to write it.

fairly easily it made a few versions like this. simple knock off. lettering is lame, but whatever. it didnt have anywhere to put it so it stuck it in the corner.

then i remembered midjourney loves skulls and skeletons so i figured whatever lets see what i can do.

the original code was sorta bland so i took some things out and added new details and it ended up like this

horror and the blonde model lovingly caressing a tall skeleton whose hands are very low on her back, firehouse red lipstick on his bones, in the style of richard hescox, blink-and-you-miss-it detail, anthony thieme, album covers, “hear” scratched on the wall, boots, anita malfatti, soft-edged, fantasy-inspired –ar 13:16 –v 6.0

sometimes if you put. lot of things in there it gets confused so i like to keep it pretty simple and when that happens they do things like add jewelry. but what i started to notice is it was giving me way sexier scenes bc it was a skeleton than if it were a man or woman. so i kept pushing to see when it would cut me off.

suddenly i had all these pics of skeletons gettin propositioned

this one is prob my favorite because her legs are like marilyn mansons 1994 tour and how did bro get his jeans on?

like wtf midjourney, how do you know she could put her hand in his ribcage? i tried to get more pics of women doing this but when you want it, it hardly gets generated. you gotta go with the flow.

how do these skeletons have more expressions than the women? bc mj looooves skeletons

so about that theory that mj doesnt wanna render scantilly clad ppl… either thats changed or there was a glitch tonight. my guess is it’s changed.

this thing is a freakin marvel.

but i dont know how to dance. relax i’ll show you.

yo my eyes are up hear

why are these women soooo skinny? mj cray.

got bored and remembered you can juice up the effects by typing at the end –stylize 500 or something. i think this was stylize 666

what happened i think is it made things less painty and more photographic

so i went to 888 and suddenly it was a monster movie, fine with me

then i dropped it all the way down to 75 and woah

125. fantastic!

so on these motorcycle ones i was trying to get the skeleton bf to drive his human gf with her on the back and her hair blowing in the wind.

mj said lol but at least gave me a good skull but wtf with the pants?

then it kept putting her in the front of the motorcycle which was interesting.

so i went up to stylize 500 and it became artier which was cool but less skeletony and it excluded him and merged it with her

then it gave me this and i was bored again.

“in the style of [artist]” is a great way to experiment

you can see a lot of the artists and styles here

ive been addicted to mid journey

some nights ill just try to make the weirdest things i can

figuring out how creative and deep and dark and random the computer is

then other nights i try to see how pretty it can be 

i am not a minimalist.

i like lots of crazy things happening all at the same time.

and i like things slightly evil

which midjourney excels at.

more precisely, it seems to love any sort of human sadness or horror.

anger, sorrow, mayhem – that AI gets it

it also loves skeletons


and darkness

i mean i love that so much.

and in so many ways midjourney is an extension of our imagination

but trust me, not even my imagination is that solid.