shout out to the inventors of periscope

periscope founderswhen kayvon beykpour and joe bernstein invented periscope, the simple way to record and stream video through a mobile device,

they probably never thought that their little app would find its way in the Well of the House of Representatives so lawmakers could document their peaceful protest after that brave Republican Paul Ryan shut down the C-SPAN cameras

because he’s such a great leader

and should probably be president of the united states.

a few years ago periscope was acquired by Twitter which was a match made in digital Heaven because periscope piggybacks perfectly on twitter, alerting all of your twitter followers that you are broadcasting

which is what happened yesterday when a few of the Congresspeople realized that they could bypass the Speaker Ryan bravery by simply broadcasting themselves

from their phones.

i dont know why kayvon beykpour and joe bernstein arent doing a victory lap around tv shows right now

their invention helped make the #holdthefloor protest something that people around the world could see

even the courageous Paul Ryan who probably watched it on CSPAN

(who, once their cameras were shut off by the GOP, linked up to the periscope feed and broadcasted that).

bros deserve some props today.

the busblog salutes them.

i have many faults

gwen stefaniand one of them is that when someone calls me out on twitter or facebook or whereever, i have a very hard time ignoring them.

as a gentleman, i believe it’s proper form to return a volley

but last night something interesting happened. a troll who had trolled me once before was up to his old tricks and every now and then id pull over and reply to his nonsense.

early in the conversation i realized that he had 68 followers, which is nearly impossible.

just by signing up and alerting all of your “friends” you should immediately have a few hundred followers

unless you are full of crap and not who you claim to be.

so instead of engaging him with his bizarre attempt at mockery as he suggested i was unemployed and collecting benefits, i told him that those were exactly the types of things that prevents one from having a healthy twitter presence and that i would like to enter into a wager with him that my two adorable cats could gain a larger twitter following in a week than this fellow currently has.

i drove and moved on but an hour or two later a friend asked he who was that troll? so i checked his twitter to see if he had said something new to inspire that question, when i discovered he had completely deleted his account!

and then it occurred to me what i had suspected all along: if you have fewer than 200 followers you are probably a fraud or a phony or someone up to no good and you should be ignored. this man “Dan” had obviously created the account to rant at strangers and then when the going gets tough he deletes his deal and runs home.

what a waste of time for all parties involved.

so thats my new rule: no bickering with fools with less than 250 followers because it’s probably dick cheney.