because im perfect, people talk to me

actually i dont know why people talk to me, i ask lots of questions.

but sometimes people want their thoughts out there and so they manifest people like me with two turntables and a microphone and boom their tale is out there in the world.

believe it or not, this doesn’t always ring the right way with some people. those people get mad at me for not telling the story the way they would.

a few years ago i wrote about how the biggest church in my neighborhood was taking COVID more seriously than my own church, the Christian church. that article is now being brought up again.

as is normal, if someone tweets at me, i will do them the respect of tweeting back.

heres todays volley:


Okay, benefit of the doubt, you are out of touch as you don’t seem to know much about the human trafficking, child abusing, elder neglecting, fair gaming cult you live next door to. Lara – now there’s a story. Let’s see some real journalism.


I also live close to a Catholic Church. Should I write about mass child abuse, the hiding of priests, their belief that if a priest confesses a sin in the confessional then it’s all good?

I also live near hospitals that turn billions of dollars in profits while underpaying employees and overcharging patients. If I go into that hospital should I also frame each visit with all of their sins?

Here’s how I do things: when I meet someone, I let them talk. I let them show themselves. I have 115 episodes on including three with one of Scientology’s harshest critic here in LA.

There may be a day when members of lots of churches wants to talk with me, just like how in my most recent episode a 20-year Freemason answered all my questions.

This practice of condemning everyone and anyone who doesn’t 100% echo and march in lockstep with the loudest of protesters and do things exactly as they would is ridiculous and anti-GenX.

Gen X does what we want, gives no shits, and leads by example.

I have been fair to everyone I have encountered in my neighborhood, including Lara, and did not press charges on her for swinging her stick at me because I feel badly for what has happened to her in the past.

I invite you to listen to any of my podcast interviews and you will see the only agenda I have is in helping people of LA a chance to tell their story and to talk about their neighborhoods. I don’t frame it by saying LA is stolen land, that America has been run by white supremacists, or that this planet is a ticking time bomb of climate change.

Likewise when I talk about churches or businesses I don’t frame those the way you believe “real journalism” should be presented. I get to the point and tell the story at hand.

If you want to do it differently, be my guest.


ive learned so much from twitter

ever been in a relationship and you’re like why did they take that the wrong way?

then you get on twitter and ppl constantly taking things the wrong way

including you.

how many twitter accounts are called bus-something? not a lot.

how you gonna block busblog and you’re named bus something LA?

maybe i do wanna be blocked by such a person.

been watching The Great on hulu bc someone recommended it and also i wanted to use it as background noise as i worked on my website.

way better than i expected.

the longest job i ever had was writing social media for the academy

so when bizarre tweets like this pop up, like it did today

i’ll get DMs and texts and etc asking “holy crap man, what was that tweet all about?”

and i have to explain that i havent worked there for years

and for the last half of the time i was there i had to go through extreme scrutiny to get


of my proposed tweets and instagram posts through

because i no longer had a boss who could shield me from those who didnt truly

live and breathe social media like i do.

so they didnt get it.

imagine if there was a committee who had the power to tell Led Zeppelin

dudes Stairway to Heaven is too long, can you trim 3-4 minutes from it?

and how about give the album a name?

youre trying to do your thing and be creative and witty

AND trying to gain followers all while maintaining a sense of the brand people love

with a fresh spin that is slightly unexpected

and may i say daring.

so i get it why someone in my old seat would *want* to make this tweet

and i also get why there may not be anyone there now who could give that person constructive criticism as to why they should throw it right in the trash

and i am super grateful that for two years i had a boss who could communicate with me in such a way that we could check off all the boxes:

  • interesting
  • insightful
  • fresh
  • unique to our brand and our assets
  • something others would want to share

when youre dealing with a 90 year old organization that aint easy

especially when the peanut gallery hears Stairway to Heaven and says

this isn’t at all like Whole Lotta Love, what gives?

if i was running the show over there the first thing i would say to the person creating the content is

women have it hard enough,

whore is a powerful word

in context of that movie it means one thing

but out of context, on our feed, even with what you think is a funny caption

it’s easily misunderstood and

should be avoided

in part because

of all the great lines written in the scripts of our overstuffed archives

that one was not one of them.

every day for the last month ive been trolling the LA city atty

so if i die, investigate his ass.

im on him because he refuses to drop the charges on an LA Taco reporter who was just doing his job the night the Dodgers won the world series.

only problem was, this journalist captured video of the LAPD going wild on the crowd in the streets.

months later the cops mailed this reporter a citation saying he didn’t leave the area when he was instructed to.

huge problem with that. the constitution doesnt say “there is a freedom of the press unless the cops say fuck this, y’all need to go home now.”

in part because sometimes, as we have seen, the cops go apeshit when the shit’s going down and the only people who can check them IS the press. so no.

just last month a journalist in Iowa was aquitted for a similar so-called offense of not dispersing even in conservative ass Iowa the jury only needed two hours to uphold the constitution.

so why is the City Attorney going forward on a case he knows he has no chance of winning?

because he is running for mayor and wants the cops on his side.

even though by doing this, every journalist (rightfully) thinks he’s a moron and gutless and a puppet for the LAPD.

meanwhile this journalist is a Hispanic – which are the majority in LA – so dude’s burning that bridge too.

and yes i remind him of all of these things every week, daily, in rebuttals to every dumbass thing he tweets

which is a lot because he and his staff tweet 3-4 times a day POORLY.

so if i die go after him.

today i learned the guy who covers the cubs likes the DH

can you imagine working for a big newspaper in Chicago,

sorta big, it’s the sun-times

and you get to go to the most beautiful park 100 times a year

and you are fundamentally against what makes the National League the National League?

to me that would be like being a bartender but not appreciating booze.

it’d be like saying you love women but would rather they be completely odorless

it’d be like being a librarian but you prefer the film adaptations.

we battled a little on twitter and he took offense when i told him that i was unfollowing him and then all of his fans piled on

and one by one i picked them off.

it was astounding how few of them really understood the nuance and truths about not just baseball

but strategy, pace, and how to score a run.

scoring runs, of course being the prime objective of baseball.

one guy told me that he liked the AL style that included the designated hitter because it sped up the games and created more runs.

i told him to find me the proof that the games were shorter in the AL than the NL

he conceded he was wrong.

so to reward him i showed him that the amount of runs scored in each league were virtually identical.

i even showed him a chart


more people defended the sun times reporter.

one guy asked me a ridiculous scenario where it was the first inning and the pitcher was due up, would i pinch hit? he said he would i said, “why? your team had batted around in the first. you’re doing great, why take out your pitcher for the hope of another hit even though the odds of a pinch hitter being successful is low?”

he was all, “well he has a better chance of a hit than a dumb pitcher!”

which is true but still inane. so i asked him about another scenario.

i said what would happen if its the bottom of the 7th, scoreless game, two no hitters until the Cubs #8 hitter smacks a double into the ivy.

one out, man on second, do you let your pitcher bat or do you yank him because now you have the best chance youve had all game to score… but if you yank him you are also pulling out a pitcher who is mesmerizing the opposite team?

he said, oh id let him bunt. its an obvious sacrifice bunt scenario.

i said is it? and i pulled out this Runs Expectancy chart like the nerd that i am that shows you have a .66 chance of scoring if you have a man on second with 1 out. but you only have a .35 chance of scoring if you have a runner on third with 2 outs.

so by bunting you are actually halving your chances, so you may as well let Kyle swing away and/or try to draw a walk… and make the pitcher waste valuable pitches.

all he could say was that the stats i provided were 5 years old (as if that matters) and any time he sees pitchers they stand there for three pitches and then walk to the bench.

it was then that i realized who i was talking with. and who this writer attracts. and that i was wasting my time with both of them and i should get back to actual work.

which i did

which i am nearly finished with.

which makes me very happy.

and tomorrow i will sell my OJ helmet.

to a very nice man who once used it in an art show.

and i will throw in an OJ football card.

everything must go.

im selling everything i own,

new year new you.