ever have a day where you do everything wrong

when i was a kid there were only two shows my mom gave me a hard time watching, SNL and Soap

i was only 9 when SNL debuted and even though she told me she didn’t like me watching it, i could never make it too long into it before id fall asleep.

a few years later Soap premiered and it had a parental warning. she’d hear it and shout, turn the channel.

i was like Awwww Ma!

and she would say you’re 11. you are precisely what that warning is about. i am the parent and it is warning me.

somehow i got the idea of watching it With her and even the intro and summaries at the beginning of each episode were hilarious. but yes, they did have adult themes: death, homosexuality, divorce, aliens.

i need to rewatch that show.

here’s Robert Guilliaume talking about navigating the idea of playing a butler when youre a proud black man in the late 1970s

if i wasnt so lazy

If I wasn’t so lazy,
I would start a GoFundMe to buy Fox News
I’d change the name and play music videos on it all day
hosted by VJs.
There would be a daily dance show,
one about Hip Hop,
cartoons and a game show called Remote Control.
On Fridays there would be concerts.
First a half hour by a small band
then a half hour by a medium sized band
then an hour from a giant band.
On Saturdays at midnight there would be a midnight movie.
There’d be news but it would be about music.
I’ll need about $5 billion, it seems.

stupid bowl

adam levine, the singer of the extremely mediocre Maroon 5, could have become a rock and NFL legend today

musicians from Rihanna to Cardi B turned down the honor of performing at halftime of the Super Bowl this year, in solidarity against the obvious collusion that has kept quarterback Colin Kaepernick out of the NFL.

through their performance levine took off a jacket, a sweater, and then his shirt before ending the show bare chested and stupid. if under his sweater was a Kaepernick jersey, levine would have won the hearts of gazillions.

instead neither he nor the band wanted to acknowledge the elephant in the room and they pranced around like dingos, did their tunes, and got off the stage.

by now we should know that Maroon 5 will not save us. neither will most of the flashes in the pan that for one reason or another hang around beyond their expiration date.

but in the realm of rock n roll, there is a beautiful history of rebellion and protest that should never be forgotten. once upon a time tattoos were the symbol of defiance and individuality. today it’s just another accessory.

the nfl chose the right johnny bravos to keep things as least interesting as possible, but one day rock will return.

finished the Sopranos, again

It took a while, but this week we concluded The Sopranos. I was re-watching it for the first time since the infamous finale. Amber was watching it for the first time.

My biggest takeaway was how talented James Gandolfini was in the role. Such a range of emotions, many of them subtle. He was such a dominate boss and cool handed leader, but when he saw his shrink he turned into a whining baby and a terrible liar.

It was also interesting to watch them eat. Rarely was it anything other than Italian food. But when the mobsters ate pasta they would play with it on their fork like they were airing it out to dry.

Anthony Jr’s role could have been sussed out way more. Most of the time he was brooding, dumb, clueless, constantly running to his room or being sent to it. In actuality he was far more complex than his sister who had way more screen-time (because she was gorgeous?) than he had.

Edie Falco was also incredible. But I wasn’t crazy about her arc either. Sure it was good that at some point she called bullshit on all of it – in fact that was the best stretch for her character. But after they reconciled she lost her interestingness.

I had forgotten how long Junior was on the show – the whole time! And weirdly Tony’s sister didn’t annoy me as much on the re-watch as she did originally.

My favorite character was Silvio, played by Miami Steve Van Zant. Bruce Springsteen’s BFF. The perfect Consigliere. Always there for Tony when asked, but never overstepped. Not just the voice of reason, but he lead by example, providing the anchor to the choppy waters all around them.

I also didn’t realize what a slam The Sopranos was to the 12-Step approach to addictions. Maybe it just showed that neither AA nor NA could solve your problems if you’re surrounded by people who are constantly drinking, but I can’t recall any success stories in the series who worked the program.

Finally, my other favorite character I had forgotten all about, Svetlana Kirilenko, the straight talking one-legged Russian home care manager who always seemed to have a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. She had some great lines, perfectly delivered by Alla Kliouka Schaffer.

One of her best lines came in Season 4 and it perfectly summed up the entire show. Tony, who seemed to genuinely respect her, tells her that she’s inspiring because even though she lost her leg she keeps keeping on.

Svetlana: That’s the whole purpose for people like me. To inspire people like you. So is the trouble with you Americans. You expect nothing bad ever to happen, when the rest of the World expects only bad to happen. And they’re not disappointed. You have everything! And still you complain. You lie in couches, and bitch to a psychiatrist. You’ve got too much time to think about yourselves.

Amen, sister.

busy philipps’s book is good, you guys

a long time ago i dated a wonderful young woman whos bff was busy philipps’ bff and in 2005 i interviewed her on my short lived podcast and she was a delight.

so needless to say, i have been rooting for her.

her book is really good you guys. she tells it all. perfectly. and if you get the audio book she reads it and it just flows.

i listen to a lot of “books on tape” because im a busy gentleman and im in my car a lot and even with all the channels that Sirius delivers, often i just want to hear someone reading a book to me.

i prefer the ones where the author reads it themselves but sometimes those are bad too because the author isn’t great at reading.

busy being a longtime actress is fantastic at reading and it’s her life and so it should be great. but on top of that she has weirdly interesting tales to tell about her rise to fame and the struggles she had getting there.

for example did you know that she wrote the concept for Blades of Glory, the comedy starring Will Ferrel and Jon Hader? i didnt either. and the reason we dont know about it is a very sad story that she describes perfectly right down to someone telling her that no one cares who the writer is… and how that plays out at the hollywood premiere.

sorry, writers.

there were some tragic moments, some happy moments, and even if you watch her Instagram story every day like i do, there was one surprise about her relationship with her husband that i for sure didnt see coming. mama mia.

but best of all are her impersonations. when she reads the quotes of her mom, michelle williams, and her other bff Emily BB, they are hilarious and perfect. especially how softly she delivers michelle and Emily’s words.

the release of her book came at the perfect time because she just taped her new talk show for E! yesterday and maybe im not her demographic but i wasnt crazy about the first episode, but i am for sure crazy about the book because it is a very good look at the inside of hollywood from a person who is super honest and has done big things on tv and film and was right there for some really interesting moments.

i wish busy all the luck on the tv show. i will continue to watch it and im sure it will get better. first shows rarely tell you what it will look like in the future. i clearly remember not being gaga over the first shows of Trevor Noah or Colbert’s Late Show and now i cant get enough of them. so maybe it’s me.

anyway, if i ever do a podcast again i would love to interview her because the book had me asking lots of questions that didn’t really seem resolved.

the funny thing about twitter we pretend it’s not dangerous

bloggers could have told you decades ago that writing what you really feel

in public

is a risky proposition, especially if you are a bad person deep down.

now im one of the few people who didn’t vote for the president who liked the new Rosanne reboot.

sure it was cheesy at times and dumb at others, but for the most part it was funny

and a few of the people wore Cubs stuff.

also, Rosanne was an Uber driver, which is hilarious to me, now more than ever.

the fact that her character was a Trump supporter, i thought was punk rock

because the majority of Trump supporters have this weird false idea that this allegedly rich dude

who has never done anything for working people like The Connors

is suddenly looking out for the average American family.

and the new Roseanne show painted that twisted image beautifully in all of its shabby chic pathetickness.

but TV Rosie would have never known what Real Life Rosie was all about because TV Rosie didn’t use Twitter or get shoutouts from the president or did she have 685,5000 followers.

she was just a grandma with bad knees with a decent one-liner every 2 minutes.

Real Rosie believes in conspiracy theories, thinks racist jokes are funny, and just tweeted millions of dollars down the drain.

which is to say nothing about her cast and crew who are now jobless.

the funny thing about twitter is it is fire and it can burn those who don’t respect it

and one way to respect it is to respect others.

Rosanne is old enough to know that comparing black people to apes is like suicide by cop.

she waved her gun around hoping to get shot and they shot her down.

what i wish she would have done is taken that devil-may-care attitude to having her character express


why she, who prospered during Obama, suddenly is backing the opposite of that.

but sometimes intellectualism doesn’t reach across the aisle.

even if it would have meant even bigger ratings.


theres a big bru-haha over some jokes and i have a hot take

if you cant take a joke about you, then fuck you.

if you invite a comedian to your event and you have dressed up and all your friends dressed up and if theres some serious parts, some boring parts

and then a part for 19 minutes where what amounts to the court jester points his or her stick at you

and lampoons you in exactly the same way that they have been doing for centuries and centuries

and you sit up there and make a face like you just ate a bad lemon

and in reality you are a very not nice person in your actual job and the jester is IN JEST talking about it

then fuck you, your friends, the people you work with and the people who raised you

because you have not learned shit about life and your peers have not supported you in how to behave.

we have a president who says and does whatever the fuck he wants to do and no one is apologizing for his behavior

likewise we have had a White House Press Whatever dinner for decades

and man after man after man after man has got up on there and played the role of the court jester

but now that a woman does it in a comedically whiny scratchy delivery



fuck that, fuck you, fuck this

i decide whose head gets chopped off and for now i want everyones head on

and looking at each other and when the funny lady says the funny things, fucking laugh

like a human fucking being for once in your stupid life.

flint still doesnt have clean water.

is everything terrible

will the sun come out ever again

will the moon rise?

do the birds even wanna chirp chirp chirp in the morning for us

do we even deserve it?

CBS the Morning was my jam, it woke me up.

i loved it because there wasn’t any fucking bullshit in there.

it was gale and nora and old man charlie rose

and charlie had seen it all so he sat there a little slumped over, smiling , cute little southern drawl slipping out

and nora and gayle pretended to flirt with him every now and then

sometimes theyd bring in the new kids from different CBS news shows but no one wanted them around.

i loved how only now and then all three were there.

i loved how one of them was always on vacation.

i loved it because it made me thing, i wanna be super famous one day.

so famous that i get to take vacations every six weeks.

yesterday charlie wasn’t there and that was ok with me.

but last night we learned why. we learned that Charlie liked to invite female staffers to his home in long island

and then casually walk around naked. allegedly.

one woman said he reached down in her dress and she cried the whole time.


will the stars ever twinkle again?

are me and my friends the only gentlemen alive?

are we from a faraway land where we feel slightly ashamed of our not 20yearold bodies

and thus we would never invite a super model we barely know to watch us shower

and we would be heartbroken if we made anyone cry.

at our house.

in long island.


and allegedly.

and all



when youre as old as i am, very few things will impress you

also all of my friends are amazing and have accomplished great things

either they were in bands, or are in bands

or theyve created adorable little humanoids who will cure all our ills

or they have big smokin fancy jobs

or they are super talented in amazing ways

or they have hearts of literal gold, which is not as easy as it looks.

so when i go through my day and i learn about things i usually say meh

the simpsons did it first.

when i was at the Times i used to have lunch with Sarah A and sometimes also Ali M in Metromix

and sometimes Ali would say blah blah blah Katie

and i would say Katie who?

and ali would say omg she has the most beautiful hair and shes a great writer, surely you saw her in our office?

and i would said that office is filled with beautiful haired writers

which was an understatement.

well now Katie has done something that will make me remember her forever

tonight she is appearing on the world famous




and i hope she wins a fortune.

and i also hope i can watch it somehow now that ive cut the cord.

Bill Maher isn’t the only House Nigga


When you think about what the term House Nigga is —

the House Nigger (if we are to OMG keep it real) was the one who didn’t have to work in the fields because he or she tended to the owners of the plantation, kissed their ass, and pretended everything was a-ok.

Shit wasn’t a-ok. The House Nigger’s brothers and sisters (often literally) were being abused, raped, treated as animals and objects, and had to watch as their children were raped and used and sold and abused.

But the House Nigger would fan the Massa and make lemonade and soul food and play the piano and violin and encourage and enable the slave owner to continue its tyranny… all so the House Nigger could avoid the hard work of the fields and enjoy the House food and House comfort.

So I ask you, is everything a-ok today in your world?

And if it is not, what are you doing to let Massa know it’s not A-OK?

The worst answer is: Nothing, I’m smiling and encouraging him as if this is the sunniest day of the year

Even though it’s raining cats

and dogs.

So if we are to get all pissed off about the use of a single word by a white comedian

Perhaps we should consider the entire phrase, which is worse

and tragically so when we consider

that some of us

may be the embodiment of it.