by tony pierce, 110
1. write every day.
2. if you think youre a good writer, write twice a day.
3. dont be afraid to do anything. infact if youre afraid of something, do it. then do it again. and again.
4. cuss like a sailor.
5. dont tell your mom, your work, your friends, the people you want to date, or the people you want to work for about your blog. if they find out and you’d rather they didnt read it, ask them nicely to grant you your privacy.
6. have comments. dont be upset if no one writes in your comments for a long time. eventually they’ll write in there. if people start acting mean in your comments, ask them to stop, they probably will.
7. have an email address clearly displayed on your blog. sometimes people want to tell you that you rock in private.
8. dont worry very much about the design of your blog. image is a fakeout.
9. use Blogger. it’s easy, it’s free; and because they are owned by Google, your blog will get spidered better, you will show up in more search results, and more people will end up at your blog. besides, all the other blogging software & alternatives pretty much suck.
10. use spellcheck unless youre completely totally keeping it real. but even then you might want to use it if you think you wrote something really good.
11. say exactly what you want to say no matter what it looks like on the screen. then say something else. then keep going. and when youre done, re-read it, and edit it and hit publish and forget about it.
12. link like crazy. link anyone who links you, link your favorites, link your friends. dont be a prude. linking is what seperates bloggers from apes. and especially link if you’re trying to prove a point and someone else said it first. it lends credibility even if youre full of shit.
13. if you havent written about sex, religion, and politics in a week youre probably playing it too safe, which means you probably fucked up on #5, in which case start a second blog and keep your big mouth shut about it this time.
14. remember: nobody cares which N*Sync member you are, what State you are, which Party of Five kid you are, or which Weezer song you are. the second you put one of those things on your blog you need to delete your blog and try out for the marching band. similarilly, nobody gives a shit what the weather is like in your town, nobody wants you to change their cursor into a butterfly, nobody wants to vote on whether your blog is hot or not, and nobody gives a rat ass what song youre listening to. write something Real for you, about you, every day.
15. dont be afraid if you think something has been said before. it has. and better. big whoop. say it anyway using your own words as honestly as you can. just let it out.
16. get Site Meter and make it available for everyone to see. if you’re embarrassed that not a lot of people are clicking over to your page, dont be embarrassed by the number, be embarrassed that you actually give a crap about hits to your masterwork. it really is just a blog. and hits really dont mean anything. you want Site Meter, though, to see who is linking you so you can thank them and so you can link them back. similarilly, use Technorati, but dont obsess. write.
17. people like pictures. use them. save them to your own server. or use Blogger’s free service. if you dont know how to do it, learn. also get a Buzznet account. several things will happen once you start blogging, one of them is you will learn new things. thats a good thing.
18. before you hit Save as Draft or Publish Post, select all and copy your masterpiece. you are using a computer and the internet, shit can happen. no need to lose a good post.
19. push the envelope in what youre writing about and how youre saying it. be more and more honest. get to the root of things. start at the root of things and get deeper. dig. think out loud. keep typing. keep going. eventually you’ll find a little treasure chest. every time you blog this can happen if you let it.
20. change your style. mimic people. write beautiful lies. dream in public. kiss and tell. finger and tell. cry scream fight sing fuck and dont be afraid to be funny. the easiest thing to do is whine when you write. dont be lazy. audblog at least once a week.
21. write open letters. make lists. call people out on their bullshit. lead by example. invent and reinvent yourself. start by writing about what happened to you today. for example today i told a hot girl how wonderfully hot she is.
22. when in doubt review something. theres not enough reviews on blogs. review a movie you just saw, a tv show, a cd, a kiss you just got, a restaurant, a hike you just took, anything.
23. constantly write about the town that you live in.
24. out yourself. tell your secrets. you can always delete them later.
25. dont use your real name. dont write about your work unless you dont care about getting fired.
26. dont be afraid to come across as an asswipe. own your asswipeness.
27. nobody likes poems. dont put your poems on your blog. not even if theyre incredible. especially if theyre incredible. odds are theyre not incredible. bad poems are funny sometimes though, so fine, put your dumb poems on there. whatever.
28. tell us about your friends.
29. dont apologize about not blogging. nobody cares. just start blogging again.
30. read tons of blogs and leave nice comments.
if you’re going to ripoff/mimic/be inspired by one blogger make it raymi, shes perfect.
though i disagree with your opines a lot, i still love and envy your blogging skills.
tony tony tony,
you have made me make the switch to blogger.
your blog rocks man.
forever loving you, in that blog sort of way
every day, huh…twice…
Thank you, Tony Pierce.
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Title: <a href=”″>Blogrules</a>
Excerpt: Tony Pierce of Busblog has a list of rules for Bloggers. While most of what Tony writes can be of questionable veracity, his analysis is usually spot on. And this list rocks!
Blog name: Futurballa Blog
so is tony pierce your real name?
i still love you tony.
i’m back.
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Title: <a href=””>I was going to go lay down</a>
Excerpt: and rest my back again but then I decided that I don’t want to. I just won’t do any cleaning of shit today. I slightly over did it yesterday. But there’s a reason for that. See, I could smell this…
Blog name: My Single Mom Life
OK, I copied that shit and stuck it right there next to my monitor. We agree on that Raymi thing. If I wasn’t so bald and flat chested I probably would ripoff/mimic her. I’ll just have to settle for being inspired. k
dear oz,
but i like to write about i’m listening to at that very moment <em>sometimes</em>. it reflects my mood, my inspiration; it gives you a window into my ears, and a key to my heart. though right now i’m not listening to anything which means i just woke up and haven’t thought about clicking over to to hear whats pumping. but see that should show you how special your blog is to me that one the very first things i did this morning was click right over to it to see what’s new. and if ever you want to share with the blogiverse what’s playing on your stereo/ computer, i’d think that was cool.
im currently listening to howard stern play the dialogue of a porno.
loving it…
too late about the name and letting family know, though.
question: how do you get people to start reading your stuff?
(pleeeeeease don´t say “build it and they will come”!!!)
Rule #14 is so absolutely fucking true. I have a list of sites that need to be nuked over it. Heh.
q. how do you get people to start reading your blog
a. it will start with your friends, if they have blogs they will link to you and talk about you, and it will spread that way.
if you dont have any friends who blog, eventually you will find yourself in a circle of blog-friends who will link to you and vice-versa and it will start that way.
I think I am a little obsessed with Raymi. Once again you have inspired the shit out of me Tony. I promise to post some pictures very soon.
Excellent advice. There are three I think I should be doing, including one for lack of balls.
And, the first four lines of #20 are pure truth. They clicked in my head after reading the busblog only a couple times a long time ago.
Tony, I love your list but I think you are partly wrong on #14. I love it when people tell me what they are listening to so I can see what the deal is. Word of mouth on new bands. Like Tsar for instance. 😉
i’ll accept posts about new bands, or mentions of bands, but
<i>wearing: a&f wifebeater
listening to: incubus “evenflow”</i>
is unnecessary in my opinion
Thanks for the advice.
All goodness. I’m off to blog.
yes sir
Thanks for writing this, Tony. There are so many immature people out there who need to know what a post should look like, and how to write. Blogging is so much about learning to express yourself better, every day. Thanks for the great instructions (and the kick to get us started).
i violated rule #29 a few days ago.
i noticed you didn’t mention LiveJournal.
I’m curious what you think of those persons. Should anyone ever pay to blog?
(no no no no no…)
LJ is for high school girls
freshman year.
i now love you.
tony, i’ve been trying like hell for a week to get raymi in a box to send down to you. So far i’ve been in the hospital twice and i think i’m pregnant too.
I know i promised raymi but..
i think its easier to come get you and bring you to raymi.
if you see a very large bald guy trying to sneak up behind you, please don’t run. Raymi broke my leg.
<i>wearing: a&f wifebeater</i>
*snort* bwahahaha
Speaking of paid weblogs… check this out at CNN:
Re: Userland/ becoming a paid site…
When is UCLA going to start offering a course on blogging and when are you going to start teaching it? Stranger things have happened…
Excellent Advice.
What David said.
The main way to get traffic to a new log is to comment, comment, comment.
Bottom line.
Why are you so wonderful it makes me want to laugh and cry all at the same time ~
heh..another Raymi fan. Cubs a sweep tonight?
heh..another Raymi fan. Cubs a sweep tonight?
wonderful. as usual. i miss you. xoxo
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Title: <a href=””>Blog Advice</a>
Excerpt: By Tony Pierce, who is crude but inspires me. The best advice is this one:
dont apologize about not blogging. nobody cares. just start blogging again.
Blog name: San Diego Blog
thats a good point. commenting is a very good thing to do to get people to know that you are alive and have a blog.
miss montreal,
regardless what you read on here, i miss you too.
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Title: <a href=”″>how (not) to blog</a>
Excerpt: since I have been talking about blogs lately, here is another one.
Tony Pierce has jotted down certain do’s and dont’s of blogging. The list is interesting but not applicable to everyone. Some of the points that I want to comment on are as foll…
Blog name: Umar Siddiqi
the only thing i would quibble with is rule # 9
get your own goddamn sites you cheap bastards
kat ill fuck u up
I know you are not all about it, but you could sell this post to magazines and such. 🙂 Its great. I’ve read it like 10 times so far.
im pretty sure the mags would edit out the cuss words, which is why mags are only good for the pictures.
Blogs = Rock-n-Roll
by Tony F’in Pierce
LJ is for pussies.
Mmmm, pussies. 🙂
i wonder if tony ever gets tired of people kissing his ass in his comment box
kissing my ass is one thing
agreeing with me is very different
if you read my comments you will see that people arent afraid to disagree with me.
look no further than the posts below this one to see my point.
plus whats the point of kissing my ass, it’s not like i have anything to offer anyone who does it.
Thank you Toni! Writing evey day I think is perfect for #1. You’ll either get better or think it sucks and stop.<BR><BR>
Don’t stop man, you rock!
i never get tired of it.
but then, i never get tired of people being shitheads either. i’m easy going.
i think there was something about a girl fight up there..
where and when. i will charge my camera batteries.
Nothing about the end of Madpony yet? It’s the end of an era.
hmmm, the dialouge of a porno on howard stone.. that explains alot.
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Title: <a href=””>Enemablog</a>
Excerpt: It is time again to look at the week that was around the blog-o-planet. My desperate bid for traffic finally hit pay-dirt this week. Firstly a link from Michele, then from Sgt. Hook of Operation Shoe Fly has seen the Sitemeter spinning off the charts. …
Blog name: Simon World
having people disagree with you and writing to prove them wrong makes for good material.
i’m glad people disagree with tony. and i’m glad tony writes for us. twice a day sometimes.
franny, you ever think that maybe people say nice things because they’re thinking nice things?
Last link to him on my blog referred to him “spitting on graves” as I put it.
He’s a killer writer though and about the only person I can think of who can write a post like this without sounding stupid. It made me want to write, not just blogging but any kind of writing.
But, doubt the truth if you feel like it. It’s never the truth who looks stupid.
own my asswipeness… own my asswipeness… woohoo!
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Title: <a href=””>Again Tony Pierce gets it right</a>
Excerpt: This will never be as personal a blog as Tony’s, but every movement needs its Thomas Paine.
Blog name: Three Bed Two Bath
I think you need to add one:
“Don’t post lyrics without comment. People don’t know the tune and don’t care to read lyrics on your blog that they can look up elsewhere.”
i was just wonderin’. no offense intended. i wonder the same thing about all the blogs that get lots of comments. i know people disagree here too.
Oh, great. Just what we need.
Bullet-point inspiration for another generation of insipid hair blogs. “I fucking hate my hair. My dog barfed today. I love Sonic Youth, but only the stuff up to Daydream Nation, the rest is shit except for that new one. I think these new shoes are so bitchin.” Yawn.
OTOH, Tony, you put it eloquently, succinctly, and entertainingly – it’s instruction and inspiration enough for anyone doing it now to do it better, and for anyone still not on the vast blog barge steaming down the river of clues and keystrokes to climb the fuck aboard. Thank you.
Oh, and you’re linked now at
Shameless plug for my other blog, HEAVY LITTLE OBJECTS:
anyone who disprespects Goo is a fool
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Title: <a href=””>Never saw a monkey on the monkey-bars</a>
Excerpt: …Then he said, yeah, I gotta get going, I have to go steal some pretty girl souls with this camera. I think he was kidding because he was nice enough to leave me some notes about blogging scribbled on his napkin before he left. I put the napkin in …
Blog name: WAFOS
my socks have just been rocked heartily
this is awesome. great advice to those starting out, and a great reminder to those of us who have been doing it for a little while now.
i need to follow rule #18 more often. half the time i forget, and that’s always when i’ve just written something i really dig.
anyway. good job.
Yo, Goo sucked. No disrespect, yo.
kool thing?
dirty boots?
some say that record was the best of the grunge years.
i wouldnt go that far but i’d say kool thing was their best single.
Just a bit THANK YOU!!!!
true true true
especially number 25.
Great advice! I should have read this months ago!!
31. don’t use capital letters. this complete disregard for the shift key will reveal to the world your true rebellious nature.
32. tell people what to do as often as possible, as they are probably unable to think for themselves…this is especially applicable if most of your readers are girls between the ages of 15 and 21.
33. if you have no original thoughts, nudity is an acceptable substitute. the internet needs more jerk off fodder- that especially applies to readers finding themselves on number 60-something of a comment sheet.
34. all blogging software besides blogger is evil- especially livejournal. content is no longer the most important aspect of a good blog, it must first be powered by the software of my choice.
35. when your comment is this far down a list, you should copy and paste it into your blog. that way you will look as self-riteous as possible to as many people as possible.
36. monkeys really draw a crowd. get a monkey to write your blog if possible.
37. a three-day drug binge is sometimes the only way (assuming you channel burroughs) to arrive, via stream-of-conciousness, on the correct tangent.
38. logic is the enemy. no, wait, livejournal is the enemy. ok, the enemy list is still 1. livejournal 2. logic 3. clothing.
39. 4. the shift key.
40. all good lists end at 40, even if you have to tack on nonsensical jibberjabber to make it so.
I’m gonna post more poems now.
In your secret punkrock heart I think you want it that way.
there are already so many ridiculous “how to blog” lists out there, I wasn’t expecting much. But as I started to read your list I realized that this was no ordinary list. By the middle, I was captivated. By the end I had fallen in love with you, you creative-genius i love you.
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Title: <a href=””>A must read for bloggers….</a>
Excerpt: Via a June 17th Tech Law Advisor post, a link to another blog on “How to Blog.” An interesting, extremely honest discussion of what to do, what not to do (applies more for a personal blog than a business/professional one).
Blog name: Necessity’s Progeny — Nipper’s Patent Law Blog
I liked this one alot. I found you via Kitty, and then Lorie. I am a diaryland whore. I don’t exacly know how I feel about haveing a “diary” vs a blog. Spider.
don’t blog about politics. keep it strictly sex and religion. if you have to blog about politics, please don’t blog about whatever was on CNN that day. or the presidential race. unless it relates to sex and/or religion.
i thought we’d get more people self promoting on this comment thread. cuz what the world need’s now is a little more self promotion.
read my blog. my blog is the best. no capitalization, lots of stuff on religion, pictures, and i freely rip off tony’s style when i think i can make it work. if can’t, i don’t. if you can’t, you shouldn’t.
also, please don’t blog about your boring day job and how much you hate it.
I’m a comment wanna be. And I’m totally stealing this, (with appropriate credits, of course.)
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Title: <a href=”″>tony pierce’s “how to blog”</a>
Excerpt: Of the 30 items in Tony Pierce’s How to Blog list, I’ve broken a few “rules”, not adhered to a few “rules” and generally don’t feel too bad about either. Here are a few that I like, or have broken, or just don’t feel I need to do:
Blog name: No Fancy Name
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Title: <a href=””>three minute sex</a>
Excerpt: “and it’s a story that might bore you, but you don’t have to read it…”
Blog name: hideous kinky
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Title: <a href=””>Oh, what a tangled web we weave …</a>
Excerpt: I read an interesting blog about “Love American Style”, which led me to “No no no .. you’re doing it all wrong” which then took me to “How to blog”.
Blog name: Life in Pretoria, or is that Tswane
All true!!
Awesome post and yes, I’m linking directly to this. The world has to know!! 😉
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Title: <a href=””>How To Blog</a>
Excerpt: Tony Pierce has a very interesting (if contentious) post about how to blog. Most of his list is right on…
Blog name: Blog
Perfect. I’m beginning to feel like I’ve found my blogging pace and this post brightens the path ahead.
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Title: <a href=””>how to blog. by tony pierce.</a>
Excerpt: i just recenty discovered tony pierce, and just now during my lunch hour discovered this entry. it’s his rules for blogging. i have to say i agree with some and don’t agree with others. read it, see what you do…
Blog name: misanthropic tendencies
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Title: <a href=””>How To Blog by Tony Pierce</a>
Excerpt: A great article on how to blog. Man I’ve definitely reached nerdom. Anyway, it has some great rules on how to make a blog that people might care about and actually read. Basically it says, be yourself, say whatever comes…
Blog name: Mind Poop
Hello, Toni.
Thanks for writing this. I post an adaptation to spanish…
Hey tony,
Great stuff up there! I;m gonna link, link, link and link some more from now on!
Haha, to think mine is completely and solely a poetry blog! All your
precepts are so worth <i>not</i> following. 😆 😉
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Title: <a href=””>Online Introductions</a>
Excerpt: Dennis Kennedy of, meet Tony Pierce of busblog. Why the introduction? Not long ago, Dennis announced a change on his weblog–he said readers should “watch for more frequent references to songs and long lists of my favorite songs.” …
Blog name: Notes from the (Legal) Underground
so, so true…
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Excerpt: Tony Pierce has a heap of useful guidelines in his post on “How to Blog.” You may not agree with all of Tony’s blogging philosophy, but he gives great blog…
Blog name: Blog D’Elisson
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Title: <a href=”″>i’m guilty of all.</a>
Excerpt: how to blog.
13. if you havent written about sex, religion, and politics in a week youre probably playing it too safe, which means you probably fucked up on #5, in which case start a second blog and keep your big mouth shut about it this time.
Blog name:
One thing about writing about sex….gave me a great adrenaline buzz. I wasn’t sure I was really writing about sex, though. Thanks a lot, anyways.
thanks for your ideas. I agree with most. I’m just learning to blog, and your thoughts will help.
LOVE IT. I saw not one, but TWO links to you today that said you were one of the all stars…
It’s about time I embrace my asswipeiness!
From one asswipe to another!
Great post. Right on the money across the board.
Except for one thing.
Raymi? I checked it out. Self-indulgent crap, top to bottom.
Sorry if you are secretly she, or if you know her or whatever. But, hey. Truth’s Truth, and there ain’t no dodging it no how no way.
mr strauss
Wow. You make it sound so easy. Cheers. Tim
Is this a living blog? If writer is still maintaining it, please get back to me. I want to ask certian things. Thanks.
I think you should keep a link to this on your front page for ETERINITY.
I still find myself checking it periodically to remind myself of what I shoudl be doing, not of what I am doing.
Thanks for the inspiration and very nice tips 🙂
Thanks for this. I needed it. Are you still there?
I love your blog. And your article and book have inspired me (like so many others, apparently) to clog the www with yet another blog. Hopefully a few of them will be mildly entertaining. Thanks for the advice and for pouring out… well… for pouring out whatever it is you pour out in the busblog.
You may want to spellcheck #27
“nobody gives a rat ass what song youre listening to.”
so, why do you tell us about the book you’re reading?
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Title: <a href=””>how to blog</a>
Excerpt: i just nabbed a signed copy of how to blog, by tony pierce. its getting shipped today, so i’ll review it in the next few weeks to try to drum him up some sales. unless it sucks. but i doubt…
Blog name: matt at lightwind
Fanfuckingtastic post, lots I agree with lots I don’t!
Hail my unseen blogging Guru!
I don’t see the point about poems, though.
I just came here from the bloggies. That was just fucking awesome. Exactly what needed to be said.
Excellent, helpful advice. Thanks!
I appreciate the straight up writing. I’m new to blogging and this html business and posts like your own are a great help (plus a bloody good read).
Great Stuff. Thanks and good luck in the 2005 Blogs
Thanks for those tips – very useful. Beautiful lies and public dreams huh – I like!
My blog has improved significantly because of this entry. I now write everyday and people have said that my style has become much more interesting and well written. Whenever I feel like I am going to be writing about some lame mundane details or have nothing to write about, I go to this entry for ideas and look at your other posts for examples. Thank you
thank you and youre welcome.
why do i tell people what book im reading instead of what song im listening to? because i think people should read more books and talk about them.
we’re doing fine with music.
Thank for this awesome entry It has inspired me to blog myself.
I have broken the rules about no poetry and no real name:)
But your post was hillarious!
love the rules…even though i’ve broken a few. but rules are made to be broken, right? great list. thanks for sharing.
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Title: <a href=””>Cómo bloguear</a>
Excerpt: Traducción mÃÂa, no te fÃÂes…
1. Escribe cada dÃÂa.
2. Si piensas que eres buen escritor, escribe dos veces al dÃÂa.
3. No tengas miedo de hacer algo. De hecho, si tienes miedo de hacer algo, hazlo. Luego hazlo otra vez. Y otra vez.
Blog name: La broma más bonita del mundo
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Title: <a href=””>Inspiration</a>
Excerpt: My inspiration for blogging is from this awesome blog by Tony Pierce. I recommend it to anyone…
Blog name: So Life is…
Tony — your rules (most of them) could be rules for writing anything … for being a writer. Awesome rules and a timely, knock-upside-the-head reminder for me. Thanks.
ps. my website is a WIP — I’m four weeks into a beginners webdesign class. So no judgements, please…
pps. Good luck with the bloggies (think that’s how I ended up here)
omg. i think i’ve found the guidelines to follow in my own blogging adventures. smart set of rules tony. 😀
wanna join my team to promote weblogs? You could be a nice blog PR person?!
Anyway, like your stuff. You’re in my link list.
Your are SO exactly right. I wish I was more gutsy with my blog. I just try to be funny. Thanks for the inspiration.
This is THE shiznak. I’m linking like crazy to you.
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Title: <a href=””>How to Blog</a>
Excerpt: Yeah right, like I\’d know anything about that! Fortunately this article by Tony Pierce covers it pretty damn well.
Blog name: Narkoleptomania
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Title: <a href=””>How To Blog</a>
Excerpt: Here\’s the deal, I put up this blog fully expecting all of the people who said they wanted priveleges to bend over and do nothing. I was more or less right, although it seems that there will be spurts of…
Blog name: Crew Blog
Who could you, my new blogspiration be? I adore this post. I wish to somehow link it to my own blog someday when I’m awake enough and something interesting has just happened to me. Or actually, just when I’m more awake, cuz the interesting stuff is pretty much few and far between.
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Title: <a href=”″>\”How to blog\”</a>
Excerpt: I\’ve been looking at various blogs online tying to find some that look interesting, and did find one that was quite funny. I also came across this this evening, \”how to blog\”. I think it\’s a pretty damn good article about how you \”shou…
Blog name: Tom\’s Blog
I agree with most of that for sure. What I dont agree with is telling secrets cause you can delete them. archives stuff! The web never forgets.
This is an excellent article; though it does play mostly to a certain style of personal diary blog, there’s a good bit of gold in here, and I’m certainly glad I read it. It’s good to remember that, as professional as most quality bloggers would like to sound, blogging is very much a distinct medium from its published predecessors (newspaper columns, &c.), and is both posessive and deserving of its own distinct style.
-Skritch, maestro of the run-on sentence.
I bookmarked it and read it out load to my husband and son (had to skip the cussing but they got it anyway)
thank you
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Title: <a href=”″>how to blog by tony pierce</a>
Excerpt: In an effort to get me to write more, and help inform you of the greatest blogging tips of all time, here is the best post of 2004:
how to blog by tony pierce, 1101. write every day.2. if you think youre a good writer, write twice a day.3. dont …
Blog name: Idiosyncratic Routine
This blog kicks ass….
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Title: <a href=””>own your asswipeness</a>
Excerpt: In its limited way, perfect. – david denby, review of \”vera drake,\” new yorker…
Blog name: dante woo / blog \\
You for got one important thing:
That is the only reason I leave comments on anybodies blog. So people can find ME!!
Pretend that the font gets bigger with each ME.
This is great advice. And I was getting freaked out about that post about how much weed I smoke.
Its a very nice the article but I disagree on some points: first is not a good idea to leave your mail open to the public since you will get tons of SPAM, maybe in an image, a flash clip or a javascript button.
Second, not all alternatives to Blogger sucks. Blogger is nice ’cause is simple but lacks of every kinda features sometimes we like.
By the way, I laught a lot when I get to the #18, this is a MUST for bloggers, TRUST ME!
I’ll rather read a real blog by a person not afraid to use his or her real name, and proud of it.
Thanks for the good advice! 🙂
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Title: <a href=”″>How To Blog</a>
Excerpt: How To Blog – If you\’ve been hesitant to start blogging, or you have a blog, but are not sure what to do with it, this is a good article for you!
Blog name: bmg://
“if people start acting mean in your comments, ask them to stop, they probably will.” Is this your first time on the internet?
i disagree about the “nobody cares what music you listen to” part. lots of my friends give me feedback on the music i mention and vice versa.
if there’s people out there that have similar taste in music, its your friends.
Reading this has made me make my second blog post. That’s two in two months. I’ll get the hang of it eventually. Not that anyone knows about or reads my blog!
Do I qualify for next year’s bloggies, tony?
congrats on the bloggies award!
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Title: <a href=”″>Why I\’m Not A Good Blogger</a>
Excerpt: Yesterday, I posted a link in my link log entitled \”How To Blog\”. The author of this link lays it out, in no uncertain terms, how to blog. It\’s all there in plain english, 30 steps on how to make your blog a successful blog. I read through …
Blog name: bmg://
good list. i needed something like this to get me over my burnout. nice blog.
Too late about the real name and about brother/mother/wife/some friends knowing about my blog.
WordPad is my friend – I write in it, then Copy+Paste into Blogger. Never lost a post that way.
I make sure I write extreme rants about politics, religion and sex (all connected to each other, of course) at least once a week.
Agreed, pretty much on all other points, though I have done (and don’t mind others doing sometimes) #14.
You are my ever-bloggin’ idol. Thanks for the good-advice, pep talk and reminder I’m playing it too damned safe.
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Title: <a href=””>How to blog</a>
Excerpt: Punkt 21:write open letters. make lists. call people out on their bullshit. lead by example. invent and reinvent yourself. start by writing about what happened to you today. for example today i told a hot girl how wonderfully hot she is.
Eine so…
Blog name:
Well, yes, definitely. But then again, why? And why the hell? Why the shamucks?
You have inspired me, you are truly talented. I am greatful to come across this article.
I am starting a blog:
Neat post tony. Can i reference some of it on my blog? I think i’m going to end up using your advice as a guideline for my own blog… thanks
I’m late to the party as usual but I want to say that this rocks!
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Title: <a href=””>How to Blog (effectively)</a>
Excerpt: Tony Pierce, has written up a list of things to consider when blogging, and some actually hold some relavanence to the blog-osphere as a whole, others may seem more questionable. Anyhows here\’s my take on it.
1. write every day.
I try …
Blog name: Dave\’s Ramblings
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Title: <a href=””>\”How to Blog\”</a>
Excerpt: There is an interesting, self-explanatory article on how to blog at busblog.
According to him, I have made some grievous mistakes in my previous post.
1. write every day.
7. have an email address clearly displayed on your blog. sometim…
Blog name: A Family Guy
Great how-to; I broke a rule or two – I find it hard to write every day and I put up a poll (it was stupid but enlightening, so sue me). One thing I wanted to mention is that TypePad has worked out really well for me, and it includes a stats page right in the program which tracks hits and links.
That is all! Carry on.
I certainly agree with all of this, though I’d make some slight adjustments for technical blogs, such as:
Don’t be afraid to show that you are bewildered by something. It’s just human. Be human.
Pictures aren’t necessarily important for tech blogs, but the well placed screenshot can be, and diagrams can really help.
Go back and add your own comments when you find you understand something better later – and don’t just fix it so you look like you knew it all the time, try to explain why you had it wrong and what helped you get it right.
If somebody corrects you, thank them. Even if they are wrong.
Be helpful. What’s the point otherwise? To show how brilliant you are? Nobody cares. Helpful is a hundred times better than brilliant. Be helpful.
Ok, that is the stuff. Got this link from LifeHacker. Got inspired by LH, and this post in your blog to do it, to actually start a blog on my own.
Thus, I have created (using no small amount of advice from this blogpost) <a href=””>Wood Box 23</a>, a blog about wood working, and wood turning (something of a passion of mine.)
Now to get noticed, and watch the accolades roll in.
any time…
c’mon accolades…
— Badger
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Title: <a href=””>How to blog</a>
Excerpt: Nuff\’ said…
Blog name: The EndlessTrail
cuss like a sailor? OK….I’ll cuss like Popeye…..
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Title: <a href=””>LOL! How to Blog…</a>
Excerpt: This is great! 30 rules of the road for blogging… the one that made me laugh hysterically:
13. if you havent written about sex, religion, and politics in a week youre probably playing it too safe, which means you probably fucked up on #5, in w…
Blog name: SasEz! Sweet Spot
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Title: <a href=””>Habitual Hello World Introduction</a>
Excerpt: Dave at How to Save the World published suggestions for content that blog readers desire. It\’s an easy outline to endorse, harder to balance with time, energy and intent. This isn\’t my first weblog. I\’ve generalised and explored a niche.
Blog name: Four And Forty
Thanks for the tips.
However, I would suggest to not display your email address on your blog due to spam.
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Title: <a href=””>How to blog: tips for bloggers by Tony Pierce</a>
Excerpt: Tony Pierce has some good tips for bloggers and for people that want to start a blog on How to blog. You may have heard some of those tips before, but it\’s always good to reinforce them. Try to follow \”the rules\”, but don\’t forget not to fo…
Blog name: Bibi\’s box
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Title: <a href=””>How to Blog</a>
Excerpt: Ever since I started blogging, I\’ve wanted to write a how-to guide for bloggers. I have lots of thoughts on the process, but, since I probably don\’t know any more about it than a million other bloggers, I\’m holding off
Blog name: Tvindy
oh god, please cut back on the sap
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Title: <a href=””>Tony Pierce thanks Xiaxue</a>
Excerpt: And he explains to Xiaxue, why he used her photo (which started my \”I\’m too sexy for my blog\” conga line. He also has a great piece on How to Blog. Excerpt: yes, it\’s true that i posted your picture
Blog name: mrbrown
Very good advice.
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Title: <a href=””>What’s this blogging stuff about?</a>
Excerpt: Some of you might be wondering where all this blogging activity suddenly sprang up from. Trine from A Doll’s House asked that question recently and it got me thinking.
I’ve jotted down some thoughts about the reasons for this growth and some handy…
Blog name: PhotoSydney
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Title: <a href=””>How to Blog (Annotated)</a>
Excerpt: Shamelessly stealing an idea from Tvindy, I\’m going to take a look at Tony Pierce\’s recently posted \’How to Blog\’ post and contribute my thoughts on his advice. Because I have no original ideas of my own.
Blog name: eclecticism
Very useful advices. Can I worship you?
You’re really good at blogging!
blogging requires a lot of imagination, cool guy~
Why can’t I use my real name? I do it so that people google-ing my name will more likely get references to me. So, what, isn’t your real name Tony Pierce? (please excuse my ignorance if it isn’t as I only just got here…)
Why can’t I tell my friends and family? I only started blogging so that I don’t have to do group e-mails updating them on life according to Jhuny. If anyone else happens on the blog, that’s a bonus.
Why can’t I blog about my work? There aren’t enough people in my profession blogging. Besides, I quite like my work!
Too right I’m going to break a few of these rules. The rest of the list is pretty spot on, though. Thanks for the ideas!
By internet standards, this post is getting prehistoric, not to mention the comment line. Doesn’t dampen it’s relevance though.
A pretty comprehensive guide to blogging. thanks for the kick in the teeth. I’ve been one of those inconsistant bloggers so right now I’m kicking to kick the habit… or get into the habit… of blogging, whichever.
Not sure if someone has covered this here before but to all bloggers out there: please don’t implant your mp3s on your blog.
Very amusing!
i agree, 妖怪, that a post of nearly one year of age is close to being olde but i still dont see some of my favorite blogs allowing comments on their sites.
its probably because they have something to hide and dont want bs to be called on them as soon as they hit Publish.
shit, i didn’t get to this until after i posted a poem. i shoulda. good thing it was dumb.
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Title: <a href=””>Blog Whoring: A POM Perspective</a>
Excerpt: Came across Cowboy Caleb\’s and Tony Pierce\’s posts on blogging and decided that I must do one of my own. Applying theories learnt in Principles of Marketing to blogging, here\’s what a very textbook perspective of the blog whoring process would…
Blog name: The Malady of Johnny Malkavian
<blockquote><b>30. read tons of blogs and leave nice comments.</b></blockquote>
Just Hi..! 🙂
<i>is this enough to leave nice comments to you ?</i>
whoa, those are some good words of the wise. you’re a bloggin’ master. =)
I know this is an old blog, but I just found your site thru my fellow blogger, I agree with many things you have said, but I still have not decided between Xanga and Blogger. I started both but I have been using Xanga. Here is an article online about blogging mistakes, Anyhow, I will be glad to post a link to this blog from mine. Take care.
PS. I am going to sign up for a blog email account like you, good idea.
the url for the blog where i mention you is:
thanks for the info. i tried downloading the google site search bar like you, but can’t since i don’t have my own domain name, darn.
Veddy, veddy interesting!
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Title: <a href=””>How to Blog</a>
Excerpt: According to Alexa, is now the 110,716th most visited site for the past week and the 279,491st for the past 3 months. That\’s a 529% jump in my rankings. Yay. So how did that happen? Well, obviously, it has
Blog name:
Lovely. Especially #20.
lol! thx for the rules….. I will try to be more brave next time i do some blogging and write stuff out :p hehe and now i’m following one of ur rules by leaving nice comment hehe … and I link to ur page in my blog too!! I’m a good girl :p I follow the rules hehe
This is THE best post I have ever seen on a blog.
Rock on.
great blog…cool shit, strange shit, real shit…keep it going, bro
My brother and I have just started blogging. This stuff here is a real encouragement to just do the thing. Thanks
BTW, we don’t have any weather info on our site.
I just started my blog again recently and after reading this stuff, my brain started giving out ideas and I just want to say thanks for the list!!
Your blog is excellent overall but I found this article particularly good – informative and inspirational.
Keep up the good work man,
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Title: <a href=””>hear me roar</a>
Excerpt: i might take some of the advice that tony pierce has offered on his own blog.
“13. if you havent written about sex, religion, and politics in a week youre probably playing it too safe, which means you probably fucked up on #5, in which case st…
Blog name: explosive laughter
I have just started a blog and searching for some hot ones, i found yours. Thanks for this article. I need to write every day and twice a day. So i will do it. But i wont use your blog to promote myself (at least, no yet), so no URL.
I will be coming by.
I was dipping into the world of the blog and came across your site in the end – worthy worthy witterings – definitely the one about poems – in fact your advice helped convince me to start my own – which can be no bad thing to hear regardless of how it turns out – and however that maybe – there will be no poems god damn it.
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Title: <a href=””>Terrific Tutorial</a>
Excerpt: if you don’t have a clue what a blog is, his list will give you a perfect start. if you have been blogging for years, will put a smile on your face.
Blog name: Aamuleipä
wow, that is inspiring.
thanks, I’m on it.
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Title: <a href=””>How to blog, eh?</a>
Excerpt: A classic how-to-blog post… this post just covers what i’ve been trying get out saying on the basics of blogging…
Blog name: Towards Supernova
Helpful. Thanks for that. Nice looking women on the site too.
I don’t usually practice Rule #4, in public or while blogging, so I’ll begin here.
Tony, you are the fuckin’ bomb!
Hey, that felt good!
Controversial yet helpful.
Hello, my name is JJ. I was looking through some blogs and I think you might like a blog I am starting up. It’s called The Human Quilt. The Human Quilt has a goal of sharing the lives, expressions, emotions, memories, secrets, and desires of people across the globe. Share your story in a square. Each square tells the story of a life. I would greatly appreciate it if you take a look and give me some input. Thanks a lot.
Hey man
i agree with all your points ..well researched
But man ur point
“27. that nobody likes poems.”
doesnt seems to be true for my case
i have written 4-5 on my blog ,
probably in hindi and english both
and my frnds and other people seem to have liked them 🙂
This is really good, I know my blog needs something. After three years, it’s getting stale–unless I’m getting screwed.
I can do better, this will help.
Also, the butterfly cursor thing made me laugh out loud for quite a while.
Fan-freaking-tastic but #5 Im screwed on my biggest fans are friends
I’m holding back I need to break out and let my inabitions go. Thanks for the tips.
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Title: <a href=””>Where is the blog etiquette?</a>
Excerpt: Hi, I’m a busy updating my links here and making some few changes. Are you a blogger? If you are a blogger, till my next post spend some time thinking about “Why am I blogging?”. Is it for fun? Are you enjoy? Are you felling depressive with this? If…
Blog name: Bibi’s box
Awesome essay. I’ve been posting online since the early days of USEnet, and while much is the same, much has also changed with the blog format.
I’ll definitely be linking to your essay.
Number 13 got me.
Thanks dude….. you’ve inspired me to keep going
BTW I did fuck up on number 5 ….. my own stupid fucking fault..
The one good rule is is “check your spelling.” The rest is bullshit, and in many cases, at odds with other rules.
“dont be afraid to come across as an asswipe”
Well, at least you follow your own rules.
i never said check your spelling.
i said “10. use spellcheck unless youre completely totally keeping it real. but even then you might want to use it if you think you wrote something really good.”
these rules are trying to encourage people to keep it real, thus, dont spellcheck. UNLESS you think youve written some masterpiece that will get linked and quoted by people – a phenomenom that rarely happens, and far as i can tell has never happened to you.
my advice is to read things before you put them in quotes.
just started a blog, so good to read your thoughts. no idea yet if I agree… thanks
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Title: <a href=””>How Not To Blog – Part I</a>
Excerpt: I read a lot of blogs, I have my RSS reader split up into four categories, ‘Everyday’, blogs that I read as soon as anything is posted on there, all of the links that are listed in the sidebar are in tucked away in it. Then there’s &…
Blog name: Neurofern
Your Blogging is awesome!! I am going to try it , i think your right on about alot of things
That’s pretty witty stuff dude…. I like your style!
I love this. “How to blog”.. haha Thats awesome
Awe inspiring and just plain inspiring. And now I don’t feel like such an asswipe for using Blogger straight from the template.
I did screw up of 5, 4, 9, 13,16.. what the hell on so many of it, its painful even to count. I just deleted my blog!
starting afresh!
thanks a ton.
PS: you’r beautiful
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Title: <a href=””>the beautiful tony pierce</a>
Excerpt: i was blogging (or so i thought) for the last what four- five years now. and i read this article on how to blog. i deleted my old blog. discontinued my hosting service. and started afresh!
thank you tony. will you marry me?
Blog name: No name for my blog
i loved it! i send it to my husband, im from argentina and your words just inspired me. thanks
Hi — loved your tips on blogging! I just started my own and violated some of your rules, but not the one about poetry! I did put out my name, told my friends, etc. But my point is to be who I am — out in the open! Your blog tips covered that too — so thanks for the reminder to be who I am!
I like your style!
I just wanted you to know that I LOVED this post!
Love the advice but I screwed the pooch on some of these. Usually, I give my mother fair warning if she might read the ‘f’ word.
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Title: <a href=””>How to blog (cont.d)</a>
Excerpt: Interesting piece on how to blog by Tony Pierce.
Nice one
Blog name:
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Title: <a href=””>Baby, there ain’t enough room in this world,</a>
Excerpt: Not a fan of people tell me how to do things
Blog name: WASHED
Is it that easy? I think i’ll try it sometimes … Thanks for this article!
Do u know that ur blog tops the Google Searsh for “how to blog”..
I now understood why..good blog..
i just felt like starting blogging again..
I have to disagree on the “writing everyday” rule. I would say wait until you have something to say, then write. Writing everyday, in my opinion, lessens the impact that your content can make.
It’s my opinion, just like my asshole, I’ve got one and I’ll share it…my opinion, not my asshole. Stay away from my asshole.
Also can you add “Use Real words” to the rules. Don’t use U or UR that shit makes me want to strangle a midget.
What can I say that others haven’t? I love your style, I started my blog because I saw yours and here I am still, no clue how to change my layout, bored of it and loving my writing. Any tips? it doesn’t matter, nobody does give them. Thank you for your advices, they are bible for me.
Have fun and stay in touch xx
Sweet. thanks for some great advice. I will be sticking to WordPress though! 😉
Damn Tony, that was awesome.
am i doing this right?
I’m just getting started and got constipated on the why and how. You’re helping me cut that shit out. Looking forward to seeing what happens next, keeping your advice in heart.
love ya tony
Awsome read. I heed your advice daily. Thanks. I linked to this page on my blog for all to learn from.
I LOVE THESE TIPS!!!! will definitely use!
Hey tony. I love reading this. Ive been reading it a lot for months now. I have a blog but I want to start a new one for just me and people i meet. Its not for anyone i know personally. So you said, dont use your real name… what should I use?
ty for advice
great list. read it ages ago, but finally started blogging and thought i’d come back to it to get off to a good start
thanks for the direction and inspiration.
Hehe, this gives me wonderful inspiration!
Thank you man for this great advice!
Fantastic advice! I especially appreciate the advice in sitemeter (I was using GoStats but couldn’t see who linked me). I also like your advice to read blogs, link, and comment. I will do more of that.
Awesome post !! loved it…! n love ur blog..!! n i’ve linked urs to pls link me too..
This is the first blog how to list I’ve ever read, looks like I googled well. I like the part about freeing up and letting go, needed to hear that.
thanks so much for the guide to blogging. it was funny, thoughtful, irreverant and informative. i really loved reading it!
I wish I understood what it is that people love so much about raymi’s blog. I’m not saying it’s bad, or that mine’s particularly good, I’m just saying that to describe her as a ‘perfect’ blogger leaves me at her site thinking, ‘in what sense?’ I realise this isn’t the popular viewpoint, but don’t you find it the least bit self-indulgent? Is incoherence and lack of punctuation really that cutting edge? Granted she does speed-typed babbling far more entertaiiningly than the teenage myspace junkies, but if it wasn’t occompanied by 20 ‘me posing, again’ photos, would you even bother to read it? I know so many good bloggers who think she’s the bomb, and I just can’t see it. I like all of their blogs better. All I can assume is that she is awesome in real life and that when they read it, they see her real self in the words.
I didn’t know how to blog so I Googled “How to Blog”. Now I know. Thanks!
Blogging is stupid. Just fucking stop. No one cares what you think about anything. Blogging is narcissistic and masturbatory. No one could possibly care about you or anything you think. Stop.
Damn ! I fucked up on #5 !!!!!!
Very good advices
wow… thanks so much for writing that …. it was entertaining and infomative. I ‘ll have to link to your blog when/if i ever get up the nerve to try it. thanks again=)
Wow. You have some guts. That is SOME SHIT you wrote. WOW. Just WOW. I mean, who the hell would listen to a dude with like a bunch of shit. Wow.
I’m four years late finding this post, but it’s arrived right on time in my world. A friend sent it as encouragement to me because I just started blogging after a 2-year hiatus. Thanks for the inspiration.
Best tip list. Ever.
straight to practise, man
Well, I allowed myself to copy-past it on my blog, the only way fro me not to forget those pearls of wisdom 5 minutes later!!
This is the best advice I’ve ever seen about blogging. You’re a fucking genius.
Also, we linked you.
I read it in 2004, and coming back 4½ years later it’s still zebest. Many thanks for the hours of pleasant philosophical musing and farting around.
to think… you wrote this in 2004 and you’re still getting comments after 5 years! fantastic! i need to swear more on my posts – muwahahhahaha! thank you for these awesome tips =)
It was a very nice article! Just want to say thank you for the information you have shared. Just continue writing this kind of post. Thanks.
It’s really great to see such a informative post where the information could be shared with my friends thanks for post
really useful. will remember this. thx
Is that it? Just blog non-stop? Guess I already knew the answer. I write a Sports Blog. I needed something to force my butt in the chair in the morning. Something kinda fun. I do about 4 a week now. So, I’ll start using it as a platform for my thoughts, about big corporate sports. Get crazy with it. I like this. Why not? Oh, the part about cussing, could be a problem. I sent off one of my blogs to the Boston Globe. I had to erase the word NUDE, (nude model). Sperm donor, that was okay? So what the hell. I’m writing under an AKA already, if you didn’t know. Took a look at ‘Rami the Minx.’ It’s all there. Bulkowski-ish. She lives in relative obscurity in Canada, while Kim Kardashian rides in the Super Bowl? Guess that the rewards for a ‘sexy’ (?) internet romp in the sack. (You didn’t say anything about doing a tape. All I’ll need is a cheap bottle of CVS brand Vodka, talk to the lady up stairs, and a body double, and… !)
My comment just deleted. Obvious newbie here!
So, again, question is commenting back to commenters. How often and how. My blog is new so and quite specific to what I’m doing (surrogacy) and so I want people to come back but it’s crazy talk to thank people for their comments that are saying “Great post!” etc…
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I just came back to this after first reading it in 2005. Great stuff! I wonder, though, if there’s anything here you’d change now, six years later. Just curious; the Internet’s a very different place now.
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