isla vista + utilizing the beach (for once) + gorgeous weather = floatopia

and theres gonna be another one soon

will i go? not sure, that music sounds horrible

but i must give props to the kids for thinking outside the DP

from your daily nexus:

“This is like Halloween in the spring.”

With an estimated 12,000 attendees, this description of Saturday’s Floatopia – made by a drunken beach-goer – appears accurate. A product of Facebook planning and word of mouth, Floatopia transformed Isla Vista’s narrow stretch of coastline into a half-mile long beach party. But as with October’s debauchery-filled holiday, the rapid growth of Floatopia has law enforcement agencies up in arms, questioning whether such events such should be allowed to continue.

“This is an unsponsored event where thousands of people are drinking alcohol; it was irresponsible,” Lt. Brian Olmstead, of the Isla Vista Foot Patrol, said. “This is worse than Halloween because there’s the added danger of the water. People can drown. I could see something happening [to stop Floatopia] because of the dangers involved and the resources required to keep bad things from happening.”

A relatively new phenomenon, Floatopia’s popularity has ballooned in recent years, with two to three times more people attending this year than in 2008. Additionally, the larger crowds include a growing number of out-of-towners and the arrival of sponsored tents on the beach.

read the whole thing here

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