they say dont meet your idols
i sat backstage with my favorite band the replacements when i was in college
i got to meet elvis costello that one time in frisco
and then of course now i work in the land of stars
and there are these screenings where they talk afterwards
at the times i had kareem abdul jabbar as one of our bloggers.
the thing about your heroes or my heroes or stars or people you look up to is
they might have a bad day the day you meet them
or they might be in the best mood in the world and have always wanted to meet you.
its a roll of the dice and if things dont mesh for that instant
that doesnt mean that theyre terrible people.
i took a job in frisco, working for the giants selling peanuts and beer
for the sole reason to discover if Barry Bonds was an asshole or not.
in many ways i am a scientist.
and the message i have for you is this
meet everyone.