is this the life i thought i would have?
is my savings account what it should be?
am i driving the car i ever imagined i would be?
do i look like how i predicted?
do people view me the way i hope they would?
is this world the way i hope it would be?
is this country, this city, this block the way i thought it would be?
no no no no no.
but in some ways it’s way better than i could ever have imagined.
for example my internet speed at home is like 300+ MBs
alllll the time.
i can listen to any recording Miles Davis ever laid down just by saying Hey Siri fuck me up with Miles Davis
i can walk a mile in any direction and eat the best thai mexican or vegan food for less than an hours wages.
i am in excellent health. my Cubs are going to win the World Series again.
and my mom is a phone call away.
this is how i count my blessings after being dragged down into the murky dark depths of twitter each morning.