i miss weird things about her

i will see a video of hers or a IG story of mine

and i will hear her laugh or how she says something

and it will make me cry

she picked up most of the rest of her things today

she gave me heads up so i drove to santa clarita

my phone notifies me when the security cam goes on

and i saw her enter the apartment and that made me cry

how will she survive?

she made me food, cleaned the kitchen and did the dishes before she left

we had the sweetest relationship because we knew it was doomed

so i did all i could for her

and she would do nice things like that

i want to save her so badly

she is so good inside

the world has been so fucking bad to her

but i cant get in there

the demons have built the most complex wall around her

any time i got close they would yell at her to make me stop

i talked for a long time tonight with AJ and then Chris hepburn

im crying now

its nice to have some more space in the closets and drawers

but if she came back next week it would be damn near impossible for me to say no to her

because i do love her

very badly

even know things are

very bad.