got home late last night to a phone full of messages

scary bunny and generous invitations, and fortunately i Tivoed Survivor which is back to being one of my favorite shows.

you know it must be a good show if i am wanting to write about that other than talk about the invite i got to see mexican wrestling, midget strippers, and tijiuna strippers at the beautiful mayan theatre.

tonight karisa is throwing some sort of party + dinner thing, but i have a date with a tennis star. which brings up an interesting dimension of love. the kind i have for karisa.

very very rarely as i have grown olde have i found myself being “just friends” with hot babes.

i have tons of friends who i hardly ever get a chance to hang out with and even though getting new friends might be a good idea, it’s hard to do if youre a hermit superhero who either spends his evenings on the computer or meeting single young ladies of southern california.

there just isnt usually a lot of time for platonic friendships with babes.

for some reason platonic friendships with dudes makes more sense cuz lots of times those sorts of friendships take place in strip clubs and ballparks and hunting and fishing trips: places babes usually dont like to hang out in.

but karisa is the exception to many rules and even though she and i dont sit around holding hands like i might do with chris or jeanine, and even though she and i dont go to gentlemen’s clubs like i might do with some of my pals, we do find other things to do as we’re making time with each other beyond the drinking and laughing and yabbering that we often do.

i love karisa in a very deep way and i hope to be a good friend of hers for a long time. shes a magical girl, constantly searching for fun, open to all possibilities unless youre a young man trying to get some action and youre 22 or younger.

speaking of nice fellas, my man adam flowed the bus blog ten smackers. thank you adam!

26. adam

i do all of this for you all, you know that dont you?

i go on dates with hot babes for you.

i end up making out with 19 year old girls for you.

i end up not going to Mexican Wrestling with sexy adult women so i can do some sweet ass undercover shit that will help out for some even sweeter overcover shit in the very near future – for you.

i even type type type in my blog during my lunch break when i should be sitting outside in the sun like a normal person, just so that you can be entertained and informed.

i do this out of love.

a funky weird love.

probably the same sort of love St. Valentine himself had a long time ago when he had a blog.

and i appreciate it when you appreciate it back.

happy heart day america!


me and karisa went to the troubador last night

karisa hopefully by now you know i have the greatest friends.

karisa just got back from a tour of new england and key west where she got her self a deep dark tropic tan. like she needed it.

we got to the show early. hardly anyone was there. we discussed the new sam adams label, we agreed that we don’t like it one bit. why would you take the happy smiling proud sam off the label? karisa says its because people in cali don’t want to see an old guy from beantown on the beer bottle.

i say i want to see him.

she says no one is like me.

i say no one is like her.

very few girls wouldn’t bitch and just hide out in the back of the club analyzing the bartendresses many tattoos and smile and laugh and catch up as Jude hit his high notes and Pirner did what no musician should ever do live in concert: play every song from their new record while ignoring their glorious catalog of previous hits.


asswipe cut his hair, lost his band, picked up the first three nice people that he could find, whipped out his trumpet, and proceeded to punish those of us who showed up at his show.

so me and karisa drank so many sams that they had to break into the ones way in the back of the walk in fridge, the ones with the classic olde labels, so we drank all of those too.

karisa has a funny way of making me want to do shots. when i say “let’s do a shot.” i usually mean, “let’s have a shot of rum.” karisa takes it as, “let’s do a half dozen kamikazes.”

so kamikazes it was.

she wore my favorite beastie boy tshirt, a long skirt, big boots and even though she said that she cut two inches off her hair it went way down her back. she looked better than ever.

me, i wore my favorite cubs shirt, olive cords and black vans.

im very lucky to have good friends who stick by me through thick and thin.

and its great when they can keep up with me at the bar.

karisa throws great parties

if you’re a girl.

she swears that she doesnt really have that many girl-friends in LA but i think she does that on purpose. most of the parties that she and her hot roommate throw are what are commonly referred to as sausage parties or sword fights. 500-600 guys trying to impress karisa and becca.

both gals sent out invites at their workplaces, but of course, only the fellas attended. many of them recognized my name and said they read this blog, and for those lads, i say hello, and nice to have met you.

the only fight that i got into yesterday was with an insect and i barely won.

i got stung by a bee!

it was my first time ever.

i felt an itchy thing on my back and i reached for it and i felt a little sting and i saw the bee fly over my head and try to attack karisa. i said, “i think i just got stung by that bee.”

basart investigated and sure enough, bee sting.

i kept drinking my beer and looking at karisa.

im agent feels no pain, remember.

ken told her to get the tweezers.

there was much discussion about how to pull out the stinger without making the thing spread. i dont know what thing they were talking about, but basart is an expert at everything and this was one of the few times that it actually came in handy.

i drank more beer.

ken put an ice cube on the sting.

karisa quickly showed up with the tweezers and pulled it out painlessly.

i drank more beer.

she sat back down.

i looked at her some more.

no pain.

then ken saw the bee again, swatted it down fearlessly since it no longer had a stinger.

then he stepped on it.

when they all asked how i felt, i said, “a little buzzed.”

miss russia, Oxana Fedorova,

was about the only person that i didnt get drunk with this weekend, but who knows, i may have, around ten pm on monday everything was blurry, and i could have sworn that there was a hot chick in my california king waterbed but it must have just been my imagination running away with me for in the morning i put my arm where chica should have been and there was nothing there but pillows and pillows.


but who’s complaining? karisa and her roommate had a sweet pool party, tsar played at morgan’s new bachelor pad, all the playoff games were terrific, i got to see so many of my dear friends including ones i hadnt seen in quite a while.

layne was there and gave a glorious account including highlights from the morgan freeman directed tsar video debut.

but now my head aches and my body aches and my legs are sore, strangely.

fortunately the 51st annual Miss Universe competition will be broadcast on CBS tomorrow and we can finally know who is the hottest young woman in the entire galaxy.

as if we didnt already know.

do you know what i want this summer?
