first thing in the morn she would call me with an “oh my god my love you’ll never guess what happened…”
then she would come to the hangar and we’d walk to the coffee shop.
sometime before lunch she would call me and maybe if i wasnt flying she would come to my desk and we’d talk some more. she’d read my magazines or hang out with john woo.
or nothing.
or maybe we’d take pictures on the balcony.
her energy was infectious, which is doubled when its coming from a pretty girl in pretty clothes and by pretty i mean nearly see through and flowy and sheer and near.
at lunch we’d bitch about work and dream. after lunch she’d pose some more, but im no good at the photography thing. but thankfully she was patient.
all day yesterday and today i wanted to write about how much i missed her and today im here late, everyones gone. one lonely copy machine warms up in anticipation and only to retreat into sleep mode. and i type. sore wrist and all. carpal creeping up my shoulder. i would play hurt in every game if this was a game. i would write till i had to do it left handed exclusively. theres a million ways to type what she meant to me.
first day i met her the fellas had beat me to it. they came back and said tone youre gonna love the new flower girl. and the women were all, yeah, you of all people are going to love her. and sometimes i dont know what theyre talking about. and when i saw her i was all, what, cuz shes pretty? im the only man in the world who likes a pretty girl?
and we talked for a few minutes and then a few more and an hour sped past that fast. all we talked about was about books. hem, buk, salinger, creeley, vonnegut. the likely subjects. then music, then tv, then movies.
i dont know exactly how that turned into lunch date after lunch date but it started and never stopped for the exception of the one or two times.
and then never again.
she used to say that i was the only reason that she enjoyed coming to work and i said it back but i didnt mean it.
now i mean it.
and more than my wrist is sore that danielles not here any more.