the seven year itch

we’re getting very close to the busblog’s seventh birthday. it’s in early august. this thing has had its ups and downs and in some ways youre right smack dab in the middle of its downs because im not writing alot about some of the foundations of the busblog (public transportation, rock n roll, true bachelor lifestyle, etc).

and yet the bus rolls on.

at this point some bloggers might just quit their blog but for some reason im not that guy. i love this thing as much now as ever before. even though i have a completely different job and lifestyle than i had 7 years ago, one that provides me with so much mental and emotional stimulation that i really dont have 10 minutes in the day to put on my Break Hat and blog for your amusement and joy. but i do it anyways because i heart you i heart blogging and i heart this little url that we have nurtured together.

as in any good relationship you have to sacrifice to make things work. you have to stretch, you have to grow. you have to keep trying to make things exciting. you have to keep on keeping on, and after a while its not a have to, its a get to. even though this blog only gets 500-1000 unique readers a day, a fraction of what it did at its peak, it’s still a total honor for me to be able to write to that many people. thats more than who saw The Who on wednesday at the orpheum, and trust me i didnt write anything on that day on par with baba o’reilly.

if anything i think i feel more comfortable writing to my base. i feel more at ease to try newer things and to write in a manner that is purely from my heart as opposed to worrying about what snarker #277 is going to think about my stance on the economy or the presidential race or the use of the N-word on The View.

anyways, there is no seven year itch here, perhaps because of the 43 blogs that are on the Times if i ever wanted to “cheat” on the busblog i could and it wouldnt get jealous. which is why im pretty much a believer in polygamy if not permanent bachelorhood. so ha!

heard a bike vs car accident

on sunset last night as i was drinking wine outside the Secret Headquarters and immediately someone yelled F YOU< F YOU! SOMEONE CALL 9-1-1. and as we walked over to the scene of the crime, one guy tried to take out his phone and it went flying. and i tried to take out my phone but before i could there was a faint sound of a siren in the distance. and i looked west toward hollywood and i still considered calling 9-1-1 but there it was, an ambulance. almost like it knew. almost like it was destiny. help was on its way nearly before it even knew to come. and all these cyclists who had been riding with the dude waved their arms at the ambulance and clearly it wasnt coming for them but it had to pull over because the car who hit the bike and carried the rider across the entire intersection was still parked a little into the intersection and now 40 bikes were encircling it all, so the paramedics stopped, flipped over the lifeless body ripped off the legs of his pants and his shirt, and started doing their thing i started doing my thing and this dude was all, what are you doing? i said taking pictures duh. he said why. i said cuz im a blogger. he said what the f does that mean. i said it means i write about los angeles, and this stuff happens a lot in LA. he said thats f;ed up. i said yep which is why its good to document it. he said no, that youre doing it. i said well thats where youre wrong, feel free to move along. he said, well if youre going to write something write about how there should be bike lanes, i pointed at the bike lanes on sunset. he said write about how there should be bike safety. and i said how about i write about what i saw and just leave it at that. and just then a guy on a bike approached me and i said did the car run the light? and the guy said, i feel bad cuz i was behind the guy about 30 yards and i hate to say it but the bike may have run the light, not the car. and if you look at where the car was, sunset sorta curves so the car wouldnt had seen the bike until it was literally on top of it. all the car probably saw was the green light, it accellorated, and bam whats this bike doing on my windshield. the driver tried to say something to the pack of bicyclists but all they said was F YOU SHUT UP F YOU. and they wanted to beat him up but they probably knew too, that one of their bros, on a bike ride after watching a bike race downtown, had run a red light and hit a car and was now ironically so lucky because an ambulance just happened to be heading down the street and picked him up. but the weirdest thing was two fold. the cops came a good 20 minutes after the crash and the firetruck for some reason arrived after the ambulance had already left. after we finished our wine, piled into sarahs car, drove to midnight tacos, and argued about juries and what they should know and what they shouldnt.