zulieka whose blog i still read
as often as she posts this very day (and because of that i know that she has deleted some posts – tsk tsk)
yes it’s true i just had breakfast with the mysterious and glamorous zulieka from zulieka dot com.
i am not all that crazy about meeting people from the blogosphere generally but i have been known to make exceptions. and when you have revealed your soul in your writing And revealed your flesh in pics, and you contribute to Lick and send me sweet emails then my arm has been known to accept the twisting.
zulieka is in town to make her dreams come true. her nights were booked as were her afternoons so we agreed on a breakfast meetup at the pantry, which is very close to the standard downtown, where all the cool kids stay when theyre in town.
for some reason i always expect people to be taller in real life.
zulieka isnt what i’d call tall. probably normal sized. very smart. gorgeous eyes. i liked the way she did her hair. much thinner than her nudes. she had pancakes and eggs and bacon. eggs scrambled. grape juice.
i had the eggs, also scrabbled. bacon, hash browns, sourdough toast that i didnt touch cuz we were yapping away too much.
we talked about blogging, and hollywood, and sex. even ventured into some not-really-meant-to-be-talked-about-sex-over-a-meal topics and she not only hung in there but smiled and encouraged the conversation to stay over there.
i think if she moved to LA she would do very well here.
again, very smart. im very happy i met her.
and i didnt get into the office too late so alls good in the hood.
she did ask me about the xbi and after i told her i erased that part of her memory with a sprinkle of “Splenda” in her juice.
sorry, hottie.
the next time we met a year or two later we drove around LA, shared a glass of wine, and she said she felt like she might be pregnant. turned out she was, with a beautiful lil z.
update: zulieka asked me to swap out the original photo with this new one so we can better see her bathroom.
I love girls in braids.
I should wear mine in braids far more than I do. That’s it, I’ve decided! :p
hadnt thought about the hottness of braids till you mentioned it. but i concur
To be completely honest. It’s not the bathroom I’d like a better look at…
Love her, read her. Her elusiveness, always telling just enough, sometimes too much. She’s inaccessible, no comments which is frustrating but also perfect. I have a little girl crush.
I love zulieka. wish she’d post more. but thats how it is with beauty, you chase it and it dances away just out of reach.