im just like you, i want what you want

i want a low rider that will do the most amazing things

i also want a monster truck.

i wanna date whoever i wanna date.

i wanna eat whatever i eat at whereever.

i wanna tell the truth the whole truth

sweetened by the most ridiculous lies.

like you i wanna fly a plane one day

from sea to shining sea.

and for some of it i wanna turn on the auto pilot

and be all whooooooooooooah

and just like you i want the president to go down tomorrow.

because we need to live in a place together where

when you do fucked up shit

you pay.

the next presidents shouldnt waltz in thinking

they can just do whatevs.

fuck them and their whatevs.

dick around in your own companies and lives and dramas

but when youre the leader of the world,

you need to have it together.

there are low riders that can do amazing things.

we’re just asking for

one person

to not be corrupt and terrible.

dear electoral college,

i hope you know your days are numbered

in the last little while we have seen electric cars appear

we have seen marijuana become legalized

the Internet has made its way to be part of our every day life

we have seen the death of video stores

we’ve even had the first black president.

but you’re still around.

the problem with you is when someone loses the popular vote but becomes president, women like this one sorta have a point when they tell the world “most of us voted against this idiot”

thats not something that any one wants. and it must totally suck to run a country that you know didn’t vote for you. you’re already starting behind the 8-ball and thats a tough place to begin with such an important job as Leader of the Free World. and it might be a reason why Trump is so fascinatingly defensive about every little thing.

anyways youre gonna die soon, electoral college, and thats good

not everything should live forever.

especially if it’s flawed to begin with.

counting the days…

ive been to the harvard and yale of the everything

four years here, four years there

taught by the greatest teachers

studied from the best of all books.

sometimes you can hear a lecture and it sticks to you

you can see a picture and its there forever

you can kiss a girl or drink with her

or simply hold her hand and all the truth of the universe will radiate inside you

vibrate your innards

and reveal all you can handle.

almost everything i know i have been shown.

sometimes through visions sometimes through wrongs.

almost always while i was being silent

almost always unexpected.

theres so much good in people because they have gone through some of the same dark and wild woods and met the same dark and wild souls and held the hands of the angels and were spooked by the fear and tempted by the demons

and tested by the testers

and judged by the shadows

and lifted by the winds.

i have seen and done things that even a grown man would call remarkable

yet i still feel like im a teen

who cant believe no one is calling bs on this fake id

so lucky theyre letting it slide

so happy to be invited

but why

when youre as old as i am, very few things will impress you

also all of my friends are amazing and have accomplished great things

either they were in bands, or are in bands

or theyve created adorable little humanoids who will cure all our ills

or they have big smokin fancy jobs

or they are super talented in amazing ways

or they have hearts of literal gold, which is not as easy as it looks.

so when i go through my day and i learn about things i usually say meh

the simpsons did it first.

when i was at the Times i used to have lunch with Sarah A and sometimes also Ali M in Metromix

and sometimes Ali would say blah blah blah Katie

and i would say Katie who?

and ali would say omg she has the most beautiful hair and shes a great writer, surely you saw her in our office?

and i would said that office is filled with beautiful haired writers

which was an understatement.

well now Katie has done something that will make me remember her forever

tonight she is appearing on the world famous




and i hope she wins a fortune.

and i also hope i can watch it somehow now that ive cut the cord.

Bill Maher isn’t the only House Nigga

When you think about what the term House Nigga is —

the House Nigger (if we are to OMG keep it real) was the one who didn’t have to work in the fields because he or she tended to the owners of the plantation, kissed their ass, and pretended everything was a-ok.

Shit wasn’t a-ok. The House Nigger’s brothers and sisters (often literally) were being abused, raped, treated as animals and objects, and had to watch as their children were raped and used and sold and abused.

But the House Nigger would fan the Massa and make lemonade and soul food and play the piano and violin and encourage and enable the slave owner to continue its tyranny… all so the House Nigger could avoid the hard work of the fields and enjoy the House food and House comfort.

So I ask you, is everything a-ok today in your world?

And if it is not, what are you doing to let Massa know it’s not A-OK?

The worst answer is: Nothing, I’m smiling and encouraging him as if this is the sunniest day of the year

Even though it’s raining cats

and dogs.

So if we are to get all pissed off about the use of a single word by a white comedian

Perhaps we should consider the entire phrase, which is worse

and tragically so when we consider

that some of us

may be the embodiment of it.

what if ive totally lossed my mojo

the pings just arent coming out there in the luxury ride sharing world of your pal tone

today is summer friday so they let us out early but i had to stay an hour late because im dumb

when i finally got on the road things became so bad after a while that i flipped it over to

regular Lyft and got pinged for all these tiny short trips that because they were in UCLA

turned into long ass rides because driving through campus in the day takes forever.

one ride was 1 mile and took 18 minutes.

then i got these norwegians going to the westside pavilion.

i was all, hey didnt you guys have a holiday recently?

they were like, nooooo. i was all, sure you did!

then the hot blonde goes ohhhh the 17th of may? i said yes!

they go oh yeah we went to a festival that day.

how do you forget that?

then i took this dude from the grove to the beverly hilton.

i was all what do you do? hes like stem cells.

i said damn dude, well thanks for saving the world.

then he goes, but i also sell guns.

swear. to. god.

who amongst us doesnt feel like a total space alien sometimes

i was trying to think about when i was 15.

i was so awkward. weirdest hair in school. shit always got in it.

as a Cub fan id walk down the hallways and people would say Cubs suck left and right.

but fuck them.

in all my classes id get Cs.

except gym and music

and art.

they gave us standardized tests when i was 13 and they said i was gifted

and put me in some gifted classes instead of homeroom

but i still got Cs in the classes.

i knew i was the only black kid in school and i was gonna have problems with girls.

and i did have problems with girls.

but i also had a little luck.


if i was outside after dark

laying in the grass on a summers night in illinois

id look up at the stars and say

any time you wanna pick up yr boy

here i am.

but heres the good news.

aint nobody picking any one up.

aint noone going nowhere.

we are here.


working this thing here out

with one another.

it’s a puzzle so big that no one can do it alone.

not even God.

even He was all, maybe if i made a whole bunch of little scientists

in my image

maybe they can all work together

and do the things and sing the songs and bang the gangs

and in the end everything will be better.

better, not because the tall ones or the pretty ones or the rich ones or the ones with perfect hair had the answer

but because everyone added their weird little perspective

or weird big secret

or not weird and not little flavor

maybe thats why so many of us are here and why so many of us are twisted in unique

freaky ways

she said

and tossed me out of the space ship and into the grass

then flew away.


which even today

i call bullshit on.