im not a control freak. i swear.
i feel like im the best team player because i know what its like to be the leader, the quasi leader, and the not leader.
these people get in the uber and theyre so used to being the leader that they think they gotta tell me how to get to the airport
and im all, negro, do you know how many times ive gotten someone to the airport
in rush hour traffic, on the 405?
and youd think if you have a benz and its clean and theres a liscense plate that says
and the license plate holder that says 2016 world series champs
and miles davis is playing
and ive got water, mints, and a super long cord
that id be trusted.
but no.
some people think they have to do it all and im all sit back and let me do
what im best at.
what if it turns out that i was never meant to be a writer or a director or a baseball manager
but i was meant to be the worlds greatest uber driver.
would that be so bad?
theres some people who will never be the worlds greatest anything.
i appreciate people so much. i see them. i know they see me see them.
people should try to be the worlds greatest something.
they should strive.
i strive like crazy.
im over here striving my head off.
but ok mr advertising exec tell me how to drive on the 405.
the jungle i was sent to this planet to traverse across.